Introducing the Trading Post!

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Ironically it seems it didnt as that was directed at someone else haha

But it really would bother me if someone who has 60 characters is 59 years more currency further ahead than i get in a year.

I know i could always make more characters, but that just feels a really awful way for the system to work.

But im 80% sure its account and not character so hopefully this is moot anyhow

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Mmmmh I have doubt.
They’re making a clear attempt to make the store less of a sore point for some people.
So… Adding a paid element to this would REALLY sour things. I don’t think they will.
Not for several years anyway.

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Make that 100%.
Of course it is.

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i don’t know if i’m crazy but i can see a longboi coming back into this.

More drake customisations please, “very thoroughly customisable, this is not just a generic dragon that everyone has but a drake that is yours”, we’re hardly at this point.

Even if that is to happen(which i doubt, or better to say i hope that it will not) you can create army of low levels in no time.

excellent bait post hope you get many replies

why? it takes 20 sec to make a new allied race char and login to sw/org. please stop making problems wehre there are none. ;p

btw someone who only has 1 char isnt serious about grinding cosmetics, or mounts, or whatever,

Sounds promising.
A new end game content for me besides M+.

you guys are so fragile, any type of FOMO seems to hurt you physically.

I’m not terribly happy with the rotation thing. We had that BfA quite a lot and it really wasn’t very much fun at all, but I suppose in this case it’s cosmetics rather than power so I can live with it.

Otherwise… pulling things that are otherwise unobtainable or are in the shop out of the shop? Yeah, I do like that.

I don’t really like when the game tries to put a sense of urgency on something to force you to play. I’d rather farm cosmetics at my own pace.


Ah I was wondering what that construction was for.,

This would be great to add some time locked seasonal content to.

This looks cool! Looking forward to see how it works when it will go live.

I don’t think checking once a month, and maybe doing some small tasks (The stuff on the screenshots doesn’t look like long term work to me) is so much to ask, TBH.

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WoW Blizz! this looks promising, can’t wait to try it

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really hope it will!