Invisible groups

There are many invisible groups and races within both the alliance and horde that I would love to see more of, have their story developed a bit. I will mention a few that comes to mind.


  • San’layn: the horde shortly allied with them in BFA though I’m not sure what happened afterwards.

  • Ogres: while most ogres are hostile to both factions, some of them are still friendly with the horde since Warcraft 2 if I’m not mistaken.

  • Revantusk tribe: a Group of Forrest trolls from the Hinterlands who are friendly with the horde. Last seen in BFA Zandalar thanking the horde.

  • Shatterspear tribe: a tribe of jungle trolls found in Darkshore. We have some info about them recently which is nice.

  • Dark Rangers develop more about them and how they connect to both blood elves and Forsaken. Maybe introduce them as a customize option too if possible. During the blood elf heritage armor quest many Dark Ranger heroes were shown fighting for Quel’thalas.

  • Hozen (the monkey people)

  • Sethrak: some of them became friendly with the Vulpera after the quests ended.

  • Gilgoblins


  • Stromgarde Humans: Humans from Arathi Highlands.

  • Highvale: High elves from the Hinterlands. Why is the silver covenant getting all the fame and not these guys. I think they are cooler.

  • Highborne: after the fall of Dire maul, many of the Highborne Mages followed their leader into rejoining night elves society, which is why Night elves got mage class in cataclysm. Anyway I want to see more about them. In BFA they were mentioned briefly fighting in Darkshore, and teleporting civilians out of Teldrassil. If a new home is ever given to the Night elves, at least dedicate one room to the Highborne and make it fancy filled with books, as was the case in Dire maul.

  • Broken

  • Jinyu + Ankoan

Pros: we will have more info about them, hopefully good ones. Plus we might get extra customization to Roleplay as them.

Cons: Blizzard might ruin it… knowing how most stories goes, we don’t want any of these groups wiped out of existence…. As is the case that’s happening to many troll tribes.

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Con: Can Blizzard tell a story which includes all of these? The current narrative team under Danuser - I think not.


For the San’layn, Dreven’s group joining the Horde was conditional to its mission’s success. It failed and the group was wiped out. Ofc it doesn’t mean that no individual San’lay joined the Horde, or that this was the only group left. Wait and see I guess.

The Horde has 3 Ogre clans currently : MU Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and AU Stonemaul, brought by the AU Mag’har in BfA along with the other Breaker races. Exploring Kalimdor actually gave us the first news about the MU Stonemaul since MoP, stating that they’re “doing well, even expanding their holdings into Feralas at Stonemaul Hold”.

As you mentionned we were given some news about the Shatterspear recently and that’s super cool. I hope the Revantusk come next : they didn’t get anything since Cata, besides their speaker in Zuldazar saying that they’re still aligned with the Horde.

According to Velonara, most Dark Rangers actually chose to side with the Horde, with only a minority defecting to Sylvanas.

Hozen were seen among Horde ranks in Zandalar, confirming that their membership wasn’t limited to the war in Pandaria. The Alliance Jinyu however haven’t been seen since MoP… that’s sad and stupid, given that the two races were supposed to be a faction parallel.

The Unshackled were seen on the shores of Orgrimmar by the end of BfA. I guess (hope ?) further developments are on their way with them. Again, no news of Ankoans however, afaik.

Stromgarde is once again a Humain Kingdom of its own since BfA, which is really nice.

Alliance Broken are divided into several groups : the ones who live with their Draenei kin in Azuremyst Isle, the ones who remained on Outland, and the ones called the Broken Exiles who settled in the Swamp of Sorrows in EK.

Also there are many other groups that we still have to hear from again : Taunka, Frostborn Dwarves, Stillpine Furbolgs, Mok’Nathal, Dragonmaw clan, Frostwolf clan, and more recently, Drogbar, Fogsail Freebooters… There’s room for many, many, many stories, if writers ever decide to address them.


It seems odd that the only named Dark Rangers who defected to join Sylvanas were Kaldorei Dark Rangers.

I would have felt certain that their would have been more Quel’dorei Dark Rangers, like those who gathered in Grommash Hold, for the meeting between Sylvanas and Lyana.

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Well… it’s more vague than that. While it is certainly an Alliance territory, there isn’t much pointing to it being an independent kingdom, yet. Danath does wear a crown, but he isn’t referred to as a king and he doesn’t seem to have the position of a faction leader, just a regional commander. Like usual, the important cultural information is just missing, but my impression was more that Stromgarde was just an Alliance outpost now.

Yes its status is a bit vague right now, but I think that’s mostly because those are recent events. Stromgarde could be a vassal state of Stormwind for all we know, but a vassal state with its own king, its own military and citizens, its own capital… At this point, what’s the fundamental difference with an “autonomous Alliance nation” by Warcraft standards ? But yeah I hope we know more soon.

I wouldn’t draw any solid conclusion from titles though. Jaina, Genn and Tyrande all refered to Anduin as “my King” at some point… and it doesn’t make much sense when you think about it.

A seat at the table would be the practical difference. The gilnean king and the high admiral of Kul get a part in the main cast. I don’t see that happening with Danath. I don’t even expect him to get the little occasional plots that the less prominent racial leaders get.

Also, while in the current WoW titles and politics make sadly little difference, the hope would always be that that could change in the future, wouldn’t it?

I guess you’re right. Now that I think about it though, maybe it won’t be about Danath : what if the recent focus on Stromgarde was meant to introduce an heir to the throne ? Would be kind of cool.

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