There are many invisible groups and races within both the alliance and horde that I would love to see more of, have their story developed a bit. I will mention a few that comes to mind.
San’layn: the horde shortly allied with them in BFA though I’m not sure what happened afterwards.
Ogres: while most ogres are hostile to both factions, some of them are still friendly with the horde since Warcraft 2 if I’m not mistaken.
Revantusk tribe: a Group of Forrest trolls from the Hinterlands who are friendly with the horde. Last seen in BFA Zandalar thanking the horde.
Shatterspear tribe: a tribe of jungle trolls found in Darkshore. We have some info about them recently which is nice.
Dark Rangers develop more about them and how they connect to both blood elves and Forsaken. Maybe introduce them as a customize option too if possible. During the blood elf heritage armor quest many Dark Ranger heroes were shown fighting for Quel’thalas.
Hozen (the monkey people)
Sethrak: some of them became friendly with the Vulpera after the quests ended.
Stromgarde Humans: Humans from Arathi Highlands.
Highvale: High elves from the Hinterlands. Why is the silver covenant getting all the fame and not these guys. I think they are cooler.
Highborne: after the fall of Dire maul, many of the Highborne Mages followed their leader into rejoining night elves society, which is why Night elves got mage class in cataclysm. Anyway I want to see more about them. In BFA they were mentioned briefly fighting in Darkshore, and teleporting civilians out of Teldrassil. If a new home is ever given to the Night elves, at least dedicate one room to the Highborne and make it fancy filled with books, as was the case in Dire maul.
Jinyu + Ankoan
Pros: we will have more info about them, hopefully good ones. Plus we might get extra customization to Roleplay as them.
Cons: Blizzard might ruin it… knowing how most stories goes, we don’t want any of these groups wiped out of existence…. As is the case that’s happening to many troll tribes.