Ion about Survival

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Ah yes, the video Bicmex tore apart and laughed at for at least an hour


This is just false. Not similar.

If that’s what we consider “similar” then Destruction Warlock and Fire Mage might as well be considered too similar rotationally, and possibly Elemental as well. Should we make half those specs melee too then?

MM was based on long casts with no or very little movement whereas Survival was based on instants with a lot of movement.

Moreover MM was completely DoT free, whereas Survival used almost exclusively DoTs and had a deep focus on DoT management.

Just because there were melee talents that doesn’t mean anyone ever picked them, or that anyone* ever wanted Survival to be melee.

EDIT: *or enough people to warrant the switch.

Sure, I have nothing against Melee Survival. But it should’ve been a fourth spec. With the mistakes already made a fourth spec which re-introduces the old Ranged Survival spec from MoP should be created.

The Hunter playterbase deserves it for what you’ve done to it.

So, it’s good that Survival Hunters have abilities that they can’t use because of not having ranged weapons equipped… why exactly?

I mean, his statements are just pathologically false. Melee Survival and Pet Demonology were clearly just something shiny to rake in more $$$ in the Legion expansion sales (while not costing more in the long run).

Take one of the less played specs -> revamp it massively and market it as a new feature -> hope the new shiny thing causes casuals to buy the expansion. Oh, and naturally, remove the old version to minimize maintenance costs.

Sales 101. It’s so clear he’s just trying to use lawyer speak to calm the herds of people who are angry with their crap business decision to make even more $$$ at the expense of loyal customers.



Pretty much my thoughts as well.
Although based on comparisons within each individual class rather than between classes.

Someone probably did.

But nothing close to warrant the removal of an existing spec/playstyle.

Any such additions, if they want to implement them, should be separate to existing ones. Not instead of…


They could basically take elements from all prior expansions that included what was refered to as RSV.

And since the theme/fantasy of RSV, especially with the deeper focus on individual identities that we see today, it would play quite different from that of any of the existing specs.

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Ion’s argument is more hillarious when the same can be said for any of the pure DPS classes, not to mention the guy loathed the whole Warlock rework that occured in MoP and has been working tirelessly on reverting/changing it as much as possible with every expac.

Generally their arguments for most things these days are bad.


Pretty much.


As someone that plays MM or SV, not BM, I can confirm this. Out of 11 ranged players that are in my Mraid group, 6 of them are BM hunters. 0 SV, 0 MM. I’m considering rolling MM as main and SV as off-spect in SL, but doesn’t look very promising atm.


They didn’t add anything.
If anything they made it worse…

  • Polearm for tranq and kill shot. They are 2nd passing some specs, yet we still arte going to have to deal with this?

  • Ranged abilities that are useless, along with half power auto shot with bow. Also anyone that thinks this is the answer to a ranged alternative is deluded. Starter abilities only.

  • HALF. YES HALF our normal regen on passive focus generation. This change is BAFFLING to say the least. I’m sure it is their totally out of touch solution to mongoose bite being a dominant talent. I guess making it baseline is too hard.

  • My own personal gripe - the over reliance on pets. I don’t think enough players realise just how much SV relies on its pet to get anything done. Burst, Mitigation, Buffs, CC, Freedom, Focus Regen. That is borderline INSANITY, considering we are NOT the pet spec, that would be BM.

  • Talent buffs are negligeable at most. Imagine buffing chakrams by reducing its focus cost. The ability is a final tier talent. It still does the same rubbish damage and has no utility. NO ONE is going to pick this, making the change arbitrary. If the damage isn’t buffed to how it was in Legion Beta, then remove it or give it a 70% slow for 6 seconds and reduce its cooldown to 10 seconds. Then it may come close to WI.

  • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, 6 second rez. I called this out on the day it was posted as a blue on mmo champ and here, and no one took it seriously, saying they will change it. Well SL is getting closer and this still hasn’t changed. GL trying to PvP with that nonsense.

Anyways, I’m enjoying FF14. Was planning on playing only until SL was out, as 8.3 is just too garbage to endure for all those months. However it seems I will have to stay in FF14 as it is clear the spec i play on the class I have loved since TBC is not going to get the same treatment as Shadow Priests just received. Still can’t believe shadow priests moaned for like two months and got a revamp, we been moaning for FOUR YEARS about SV and how much ranged was missed or all the problems with SV melee, and we get NOTHING!!!

I’m done out here mate.


it wasn’t though.
At its peek (Woltk) MM had several stings and you used the utility with chimera shot.
Survival on contrast had only one dot more with black arrow. The other “dot” was just explosive shot which was nothing to manage because you just press it on cd and on procs.

Anyways SV was more a proc based spec while MM was hard hitting and utility with the limitation of armor reduction until the introduced Arp at least.

Biggest differences between MM and SV

MM: (Majorly phy dmg)
Chimera shot (with utility, disarm…)
Aimed Shot
Bigger Crit dmg

SV: (Majorly magic dmg)
Explosive shot
Black Arrow
wyvern sting

Overall what Ion said is garbage (like usual), they were not really the same. If you would consider this the same, you could say the same about all 3 rogue specs or DK specs or whatever.

Every single spec we choose is partly for aesthetics because lets face it, most play pretty much the same rotation wise anyways and we are fine with it.
Obviously the additional utility some specs have is interesting but as you can see it was much more balanced back in the days while now it is a dumpsterfire.

You want a silence? lose sleep & stun
you want sleep? lose silence & stun
You want stun? lose sleep & silence
bm vs mm vs sv

ah whatever thrash design stay trash since ions clown crew took over the game.
Don’t even need a game designer, just revert classes back to woltk and be done with it. Just hire programmers to do the change, some art dudes for new expac and dungeon/raid designers. Rest does a terrible job anyways


I’d wager the design in MoP was better than WotLK, but otherwise spot on with the post and why RSV and MM weren’t the same.

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I vote Cata


I liked wod as mm hunter, exotic munitions aw yeah


Both are good, but I felt MoP with it’s very minor changes felt more fluid.
And maybe I just miss SoO 4-set bonus, ES for days.

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Pretty much any combination of the lot would do it. Just add in some more for additional depth, in line with modern philosophies, and we’re good.

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honestly I would take anything rather than the garbage the shove to us since legion :frowning:
I didn’t play much mop so my favorite version is woltk for most classes. But well ANYTHING BUT LEGION/BFA will be fine with me :\


Legion and BFA suriv plays completely different. I was hoping SL would unprune what they removed from surv after Legion. The stuff that actually made it into a really fun “complex” spec. It was an absolute joy and a BEAST to play in PVP when done correctly. Fury of the Eagle, Flanking strike, mongoose bite, nets, tools, harpoon longer range, butchery hit like a truck (CD + butchery could devastate harder than bladestorm). So much mobility and it still had some decent midrange damage from throwing knives.

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Class changes arrived but yet survival is still untouched since the small buff to talents.

At least we’re not shoe-horned into BM as far as things stand atm.

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yea now you are shoehorned into MM with a terrible class design because it is over tuned currently :smiley:

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I’ll take MM over BM any day of the week ngl.
But yeah we’ll see when tuning hits, just very obvious hints the devs are giving us that they don’t want us to play surv (:

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Because they’d rather you didn’t played survival :upside_down_face:

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