Yeah but how else do you want to take things to fix them? Population are roughly the same wise, if you only want to target high end horde is around 55% and alliance 45% of the playerbase but due to high end requirement total characters become not obsolete but less reliable since you need an army of alts to split run/bring the proper class. It’s overall very close and the only reason alliance is not achieving anything is due to player quality, not quantity.
I dont mean to offend again, but judging how Ion adresses the issue about “Alliance population” and give motive/incentives to Alliance high-end community, clearly refers to the playerbase.
So my guess would be Alliance has more people taking screenshots with flowers and butterflies and less raiders, exactly for the way Alliance morals/opinions etc stand.
The Racial argument is going away cause Humans ,voidelves etc have amazing racials.
On that front, I do believe that the War Story elevates Alliance by showing they have a “tough” side too. And several irl friends were like “lets go Alliance man” after the Battle of Dazaralor, so that further fuels my opinion^^
Ofc different people play the game for different reasons thats why, again, Ion refered only to the High-end playerbase
This is a very polite way of saying what I said more bluntly, and it’s nevertheless the truth.
Regarding the « tough » side of the alliance it has always been there, heck, I have always found the alliance very agressive, totalitarian and extreme in its ways. The horde thrall built is way closer to our irl idea of good we share in western societies than the alliance back then.
Many things happened in between but the core principles and ideas are still out there, people are just too focused on individuals such as garrosh sylvanas or anduin to build their opinion instead of looking at the very core down deep.
The mag har scenario made a huge allusion to the initial conflict about how human and elves reacted to a bunch of ex slaved, survivors of a genocide, and peaceful cows tried to cut a couple of trees to set a place in a desert place just to live free and safe.
If I had to say my personal opinion on this is that, the Alliance apart from never being the aggresors, which is truly boring, are also seemingly “unharmed”.
What I mean is they have no “Siege of Orgrimmar” event to shake their foundations. They always leave every story practically unharmed, and I dont think thats something people can relate with.
Judging from movies people like the character that gets kicked to the ground but gets back up. There is a lesson to be learned in such a story, and the Alliance hasnt taken such a hit since the Lich King pretty much.
So I truly find the Alliance story, boring and I’ve seen several Alliance people agree.
The Horde on the other hand has internal and external conflict constantly which is why I believe that even though it has started to go away from its roots in Thralls Horde, it actually has the opportunity to evolve into something better through this process and get “back up”.
An example is I’ve leveled an Alliance druid as well (really wanted Kultirans unlocked too I am a collector). So while in Zandalar you quest through betrayals , old god minions, loa etc and you feel as you are constantly in danger and you cant really trust anyone.
In Kultiras, with the exception of Drustvar which I personally find wonderful with a great flow, Stormsong is basically helping farmers in 7/10 stories and Tiragarde no matter how dire things get your huge castle in Boralus is one flightpath away so it never really feels as immersive. I mean Stormsong is really like happy valley…
Then as War campaign goes, we have Nathanos. I can get why people hate him, but he has a reputation for killing Alliance alot and when u encounter him during the Alliance war campaign the npc is like “Its Nathanos, run”.
But the Alliance are led by Halford? Wyrmbane? Who the hell is that? Who did that guy instill fear into? Absolutely fkng nobody I tell you… if it wasnt for Shaw and Alleria the7th Legion would feel like a picnic
It’s always the racials. Say it Ion.
I agree. As I wrote in another thread, I think one of the reasons of Horde popularity is the story and the new races. People like “badass” characters and intriguing characters, we have Sylvanas and an interesting drama with Saurfang, Baine, etc. To me it feels like the entire expansion is focused on Horde story mostly, because it keeps the auditory in suspense. Also we have the exotic Zandalari.
What do we have in Alliance? A blond gueen and Jaina, who’s story is somewhat intriguing, but not that much. Alliance zones are good IMO, but that’s it. After you play through the story once, there’s nothing to keep the interest, all that remains is to enjoy the peaceful scenery of Stormsong valley.
It’s good that Ion acknowledges there is a problem, but seeing what “measures” they used so far - giving a 400 item to ally and a 30% wm bonus, of which neither really worked - I am a pessimist that they will be able to truly fix faction inbalance.
It kind of is tho
Unless you want Blizzard to hire hitmen to threaten you into rolling alliance
I mean sure they can try to make everything more balanced but that probably won’t incentivize former alliance players to spend money or time in rebuilding their alliance carreer
For too long WoW had one sided storytelling, from addon to addon we saw “The story of the Horde” and the Alliance been nothing but a ballast in it.
Something is always happening within the Horde, characters developing, horde rises & falls, these makes the faction look alive. Meanwhile all the Alliance got is crickets & tumbleweed.
The Alliance has a weak background in the first place. You can not make white knights interesting, that’s dull & won’t work. You have to get them to the dirt & show variety and ambiguity of their side.
Blizzard had a ground in classic, with the scumbags of Stormwind in charge (Stormwind nobles, like Onyxia, Lescovar).
TBC - another bunch of dull & faceless characters with draenais arrived. Akama wasted.
Wotlk - Here it is, you`ve got your pink Garrosh back on the throne (initially Varian was a pure copy of Garrosh), now we are talking. Where did everybody go after the Undercity ? Well, at least this time the Alliance got their face & only character in (Varian).
Cataclysm - Greymane arrives, a top tier douche, perfect character that could revive the Alliance’s swamp. He could have become Garithos v.2 and show a different, more harsh approach from the alliance side, once again, wasted.
Here we had a Bronzebeard rebellion (Bronzebeards rebeled against their regent queen Moira Thaurissan & her son, king Dagran), we could have had a civil war within the Alliance core, but it got turned down so fast, we haven`t seen anything in game, since it was a part of the short story. Thus we have Moira, another character remains unused.
Magni Bronzebeard turned into diamond ? This guy was a statue long before cataclysm.
MOP - from the Alliance side we saw only two persons here, Admiral Taylor & prince Anduin. 1st one was pink Nazgrim (doppelganger), now we finally saw a second character developing on the Alliance side (if only he wasn`t another dull white knight), but at least he walks & talks, even Dezco’s story was more interesting & he’s a noname horde paladin, not a prince.
WOD - time to unleash dusty Maraad…just to see him die in the second leveling zone. Jezuz, The Alliance characters can die ? Like for real ?
Taylor, you are useless piece of guano, at least Nazgrim died like a boss (a raid boss, actually).
Cordana “stare-and-betray” Felsong, with such a surname what possibly could go wrong ?
So that’s it, two dead on arrival & another statue. Has anyone seen an alliance ?
Now we’ve lived long enough to see an alliance addon. Someone in Blizzard’s office recalled there was a second faction in WoW.
They`ve uncovered all the forgotten Alliance “estates”, I even saw Mekkatorque & that wasn’t even completely “army of the light” staightforward (deviance in Stormheim).
By the way, has anyone seen the Horde ?
I wish I`ve unsubbed last june.
Alliance has an uninteresting background, dull characters, for too long game had a one-sided storytelling & the Alliance had no development at all.
Developer’s fault completely.
Years of horde bias
Add store mounts
Horde chars come here saying " alliance cry more roflmao "
Ahh Retributor Still singing the same old song?
You seem to want to take it out on the Horde players each and every time. You seem to not even want an opposing faction. Also, have you actually bothered to read any of the replies to this thread from any of the Horde players? Because if you did you might be more than just a little surprised.
But keep banging on that drum
But it is the players problem.
No one forced people to only go Horde, they did so willingly.
Yes, it started as a racial thing but we are far past that now. Racials are more or less balanced now and people are still flocking to horde.
Also, I am 100% sure no one would like to be “forced” to play a faction they don’t want to play. How would you feel if you log in, all hyped about your Tauren you are going to make, only to see Horde grayed out so you can only go Alliance.
The current problem is that the racials are actually quite balanced in terms of the gains in raids, but a lot of high end PvE players are already Horde. They have no reason to go back to Alliance. A prime example is how quickly the Hall of Fame filled for the horde and Alliance only finished a week ago. The recruitment is also a nightmare for Alliance guilds, because there is very heavy competition among the guild that remained Alliance. The disappointed raiders who are on lower population servers with struggling guilds also often just choose to go Horde.
MDI with all-Night Elves was an edge case, where extreme min-maxing is involved. At slightly lower level I’d say there is still more Horde doing m+ on a daily basis than Alliance. Had some guildies go Horde on their alts for that very reason.
Then there is a vast sea of very casual Alliance players making surprised faces whenever someone in my guild complains about the faction balance issues. Surprisingly, turns out there is a lot of Alliance at the most casual level.
STop ignoring history, you know all those good guilds you have? method or Midwinter, guess where they came from and why they went Horde. Correct racials they wrote it in their statements, drones follow, othe rhigh end people follow, more guilds follow. It looked stemmed at the end of WoD but then they made BE OP for M+ and goblin was needed mythic KJ. end of the exanpansion close to or over 30 top 100 Alliance guilds went Horde. Now we are here… Them claiming we never had a high end scene or are too lazy. No people have been forced Horde, the major guilds for racials and everybody else followed as sheep. Due to this effect even the guilds willing to lose races to stay Alliance saw that the pool of players was drying up and also went Horde.
Stop pretending all those guilds are proud Horde guilds when they only switched back in the day for racials and are now forced to stay there with what I wrote at times there are 4 times the amount of groups/players than at Alliance active. Do not bring in the but numbe rof players is balanced, a person only doing WQ, RP or pet battles is useless in instanced group content.
It’s up to Bliz to fix and they can’t do it by overbuffing racials. The devs who have proven by former employees they are Horde baised need to work on Alliance. Don’t let us sit on the side and being apunching ball 24/7, acknowledge the horrible state racials played pre-BfA and I don’t know give every former Alliance guild a free transfer back? Alliance used to cheer for Method because they were Alliance not because they were EU.
But first thing first, disable racials in:
-Rated PvP
-Mythic raiding
To take out the for example “But if I stay Horde I have an easier time dealing with adds in M+ with my BE racial!”. Also prevents stuff likes the MDI where they make an affix that spawns adds every 20% and everybody used night elves. Racials can stay but in those 3 areas they should be outright disabled.
We had guildies switch to Horde for M+ pushing in Legion for 2 reasons:
- BE racial (which is still relevant today for M+)
- The horde had and still has way higher numbers of high keys in the group finder.
The Horde has 2,3 or sometimes even 4 times the amount of groups for pug raids, M+ etc. So sick to read from a Hordie: “but it’s easy to find a group! Look I just type in Nighthold and 9 groups looking!” then I do it and I’m lucky to find 1…
Disabling racials will not fix faction balance.
Nerf horde racials and BIG buff alliance racials. That’s the only way to fix faction balance.
First of, chill
So as you can see from the quotes nobody is ignoring history, you are usinf history to indicate people migrated for racials etc. but the racials are solved now and there is no serious imbalance.
You keep preaching that people dont bother move back, but we had entire guilds switch to alliance to get that 400 ilvl item, and then to back to Horde, so that alone disqualifies your argument.
We also had Battle for Dazaralor, where racials didnt matter cause… you get transformed to the other faction.
Every Alliance who believes racials is the issue is as simple-minded as it gets.
We’re Hordies preaching to make you guys more Badass writing pages, and you replies are like “nerf Horde, buff Ally racials” like… and we’re supposed to be the Orcs roflmao
Players made the choices they made based on design decisions the devs made.
Dev’s need to buff / nerf things or make things more or less attractive to drive change. Players don’t do it for no reason or on their own.
Ergo its a design problem.
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