Ion the game director is bad at his role


Those are estimations. BFA dipped to 1.7M.

Legion was solid above 5m.

There was an original Vanilla dev on a Classic podcast some months ago, explaining that hiring hardcore players that live and breathe a game to become a developer for said game, rarely works out well.

Ion is a solid example.

That said, it is unfair to pin all the blame on one person. It goes much deeper than that.

wat do you expect from a hardcore high end raider like him saw this coming from the start when they put him in charge sad day for the wow community.

you mean the pruning AFTER MoP?

Because MoP was a top notch PvP expansion.
In WoD, they pruned every class and reduced their spellbar to fit firmly into the 1-5 row and have almost no utility.


what does it even mean “expansion good for my class”

expansion should be good for every class, not just for yours lmao

It’s time to hire me.

Never liked him, particularly hated him after he said the “The Horde is waiting for you.” line.

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yes ofc…wod prepatch…cry

My definition of hardcore players are people highly invested in one or more of 3 things:

  1. raids
  2. M+
  3. PvP

And the grind of recent patches does not cater to those things at all. If it did, we’d have no world quests, we’d use tabards in dungeons to gain rep/renown, we’d have 24 dungeons not 8, and raids wouldn’t be deprecated with each season. M+ would never reset, and you’d probably have to get Nathria geared to get upwards from a +15 into a band that drops gear that is useful to those high levels.

If you ask me, the increasing amount of soloable content in this game is not for hardcore players. What interest do the hardcore have in flying round 20 world quests and oneshotting every single mob they encounter?

Whatever group Ion is targeting - I don’t think it’s hardcore players.

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So what you’re saying is that the game rewards people that put in effort. Wow, what a shame. It’s almost like the game has become more like Vanilla in that regard. You know, the game that became the most successful MMO of all time, and in which you couldn’t really do anything without a guild.

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classic wasnt successfull because it was hard, it was successfull because it was the first of its kind in a 3D world without (many) loading screens. Open World. You know?
Also, because it had a huge fanbase from Warcraft 1-3.

Edit: Because Classic wasn’t hard. People just were bad at playing and new in the internet.

Bad is understatement.

He clearly has the numbers, he probably makes the decisions based on some metrics
So either numbers are lying or we really love timegated stories and long wqs all over the world

No. It was just another step in the decline.

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