Ion the game director is bad at his role

as long as he in charge we will keep seeing bad designing decisions being made and getting worse every expansion

i totally believe that he completely dose not understand the player base ,maybe only the small 5% hardcore players he is catering to

he lives in a box with his guild, he never experienced the game outside of that in his gaming career, thinking that everyone is getting carried by a guild, limiting almost every design to fit his playstyle

he never experienced the dungeons and raids with random players, I doubt that he never believe that frustration exist in games, because he never experienced it

heroic raiding is now not doable without a guild, its a lot harder than before

dungeons are getting worse since legion, and became stupidly frustrating trying to do them with random players in M+ specially in SL

every gearing method in the game favors the managed pre-made hardcore groups or the real money spenders

I don’t blame the players for getting mad at each other sometime, they are driven into that state because of those awful designing decisions

mythic plus is not worthwhile doing now, doing multiple M+ keys for hardly nothing in return

basically the game is designed for mythic raiders or the cash spenders that ion caters to, there is no longer middle ground for the causals/semi hardcore players

the only reason this guy is still in charge, is because he is Bobby Kotick’s favourite guy, the only thing he is good at is filling the shareholders pockets


He’s the worst.

At first I though he was the main brain behind Legion success. But nope, he came in …power 2 months before Legion started, when literally, everything was set in-stone for almost the entire X-Pac.

And then … he had full power to make an x-pac, and did BfA …

Now Shadowlands, while is better than BfA, still shows many downfalls from BfA and the bad decisions from that X-Pac.

Ion needs to literally leave WoW alone and …move to something else, or back to design or whatever his job was before being a …“Director”!


yes please…new director and new wow direction plzz

legion was not a success. system on system to cover up for the pruning of Mop


First thing is there shouldn’t be 1 person responsible for game direction, there should be group of few, everyone with his vision, and they should be brainstorming what would be good for players, everybody would throw his pros and cons and game would be better developed and overthought.

Hey dude! Repeat after me : Legion was a successful X-Pac from many point of view. Its fine if you didn’t liked it, but be realistic. If not , well … you can always add useless comments to your already 7k+ useless comments you wrote on this forums …

here you go.



Doesnt matter if you agree with what Retributor says or not, his opinion is as valid as yours. For me WoD was the best expansion for my class, for others it was horrific - am I wrong? In my opinion no but yours and mine will differ greatly, thats what opinions are and they arent set in stone.

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World of Warcraft estimated subscribers from 2015 to 2030


Gtfo with that link …

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If hes good at filling the shareholders pockets hes good at his role.

Another post from a 12yo’s pov.


:wink: take off your pink tint glasses . since wolk numbers been dropping due to bad game design culminating in pruning of MOP and subsequent ‘‘systems’’ that included time-gating and eternal grind. also regarding your rude acronym. reported

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Send him to the maw in the deepest pit and let the jailer destroy the key to unchain him.

Maybe there is a reason there are lead designers, level designers and so on.
Probably the wow design team is composed by 50+ people.

Ion job on design is the one to read “piles” of documents sent by the leads and check that everyone is working.

Oh the ignorance.

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Also read the comments.

It seems the OP is like you, but then like … almost everyone who commented said Legion was good, great, etc.

What glasses did you say ? Maybe…try them?

Edit: I would also like to point out, how bad your “graph” is. First think first, player retention in Legion was HUGE which is equal to a HUGE SUCCESS.

Secondly, in 2020, Blizzard specifically noted that WoW gain a very big boost in players, especially few months before Shadowlands release. I …don’t see that in your graph.

Third, believe it or not, Legion has high score from USERS on many websites, which shows how successful that X-Pac was, in comparation with say, WoD or BfA.

I’m kinda done with you at this point! :slight_smile:

Doesnt ion Play alliance, so why hate him ??

ion never in his life played alliance :slight_smile: but nice weekend troll post

Hmm. Thought i saw that for som years back though, never mind. Then you surely must hate him.

a person as biased as him has no role being a ‘‘lead game designer’’ in a supposedly 2 faction game.


I am affraid that he is not the one with the last Word, getting ride of him i do not think will solve everything. Instead of constant having already set the next 2 xpack in line they should stop and try incoporate some of the critism they get instead of just launching them.

ofc he has the last word… this is his vision. time gate. grind. wow token sales for boosts and short cuts via mythic raiding.

Actually he is great at his job, breaking sale records and making more money for his employer.
It is completely different thing if you as a consumer dont like his product, but there are also many who do like it.