as long as he in charge we will keep seeing bad designing decisions being made and getting worse every expansion
i totally believe that he completely dose not understand the player base ,maybe only the small 5% hardcore players he is catering to
he lives in a box with his guild, he never experienced the game outside of that in his gaming career, thinking that everyone is getting carried by a guild, limiting almost every design to fit his playstyle
he never experienced the dungeons and raids with random players, I doubt that he never believe that frustration exist in games, because he never experienced it
heroic raiding is now not doable without a guild, its a lot harder than before
dungeons are getting worse since legion, and became stupidly frustrating trying to do them with random players in M+ specially in SL
every gearing method in the game favors the managed pre-made hardcore groups or the real money spenders
I don’t blame the players for getting mad at each other sometime, they are driven into that state because of those awful designing decisions
mythic plus is not worthwhile doing now, doing multiple M+ keys for hardly nothing in return
basically the game is designed for mythic raiders or the cash spenders that ion caters to, there is no longer middle ground for the causals/semi hardcore players
the only reason this guy is still in charge, is because he is Bobby Kotick’s favourite guy, the only thing he is good at is filling the shareholders pockets