Ion: "We are not gonna go live with destructible conduits as they are"

In his talk, not an interview, with Preach, Ion directly said Blizz is aware that destructible conduits are garbage and they’ll change them. They still want some sense of permanence with the choice, which I’m fine with, but they don’t want to have a reforging-like cost. They’re working on solutions, but there’s nothing to announce right now, except that conduits will not go live as they are currently on the beta.

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Also, some time ago, they said that they will remove covenants if they arent able to balance then properly… But this is nice.

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Not remove them, but make it possible to freely swap between them. But that’s their last resort decision, they’ll probably experiment with a lot more and if nothing works by the end of October, we’ll get free swapping.

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Did preach upload interview to his YouTube channel? I want to watch it

Yeah, it’s up now

I don’t think that will happen.
I think they’re going to go live with ‘as much balance’ as possible. I think it would only ‘go free’ in a later patch.

From what I heard in that discussion it really seems that the devs have a certain mindset and philosophy for their game which clashes with the tryhard/hardcore part of the playerbase. And I agree with Ion on this one. I think that part of the playerbase will have to either make a mindset adjustment or call it quits.


im 20 minutes into the interview and I wish they had this conversation 1 year ago so they could do better job at designing SL


I wonder how they even thought that having to re-farm the same conduits over and over if we want to play multiple specs was even remotely a good idea. It does make me worried, because it shows that they’re really out of touch with the playerbase.

It’s good that they’re changing it and are reacting to feedback, but it’s still concerning that they ever came up with such a concept in the first place.


Well that would be good too tbf, also, they shouldnt tie spells and conduits to transmongs and mounts.

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I missed Legion but wasn’t this the case with the gems we put in artefact weapons? Maybe them seeing Legion go down as one of WoW’s better expansions is what told them “hey, maybe we did something right there”

I think Ion is overthinking stuff, and maybe Blizzard is struggling with undoing decisions they made in the past. You can clearly see them struggling with flying and trying to make the zones actually matter. I think all of this progression is them trying to undo the new talent trees, because those do not allow for player expression and customization at all.

Would’ve been kinda hard to have such conversation one year ago when both parties agree that the idea is good but disagree on its actual implementation.

Not too late tho, there has already been changes done on the alpha based on feedback and they are not done yet as demonstrated by the Conduit change.

they could just make it simple and decouple the class abilities from the covenants, this will solve the vast majority of the problems.


That’s because blizzard has openly stated flying is a headache they wish they had never added it as it ruins alot of what they strive for… I hate it too honestly and don’t bother with pathfinder

Wouldn’t put the blame on the talent trees.

  • Players overall liked legion despite its issues.

  • They tried something with BFA which massively backfired

  • They pretty much create a legion 2.0 with a unique twist, trying to solve the issues legion had while adding something different which should bring back players and hopefully attract Classic players

Talent trees are imo unrelated to the SL designs. It’s more about not having a WoD 2.0 where only raider thrived than expanding the talent system.


Going by his wording my guess is their solution will end up being some sort of depletion mechanic so after X amount of swaps you’ll have a depleted or broken conduit and you have to jump through hoops to “repair” it.

They should just also let us join any Covenant we like at any given time. Keep progress of our old one and just play with the Covenant we prefer for the time-being.
That will help those of us who like sticking to just one char too, I don’t wanna play many alts and grind with them to insanity just to be able to get all my Covenant stuff.
I’ll gladly do it on a main though.

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Make conduits a catalogue once earned but put a 6-12hour cooldown on changing soulbind loadout. problem solved? That way you can experiment with different loadouts and not be abused by people in raids wanting to change per fight. That sounds better than anything I’ve heard so far.

By the way I’m available to test the beta guys. Started on day 1 of wow release. Can give good feedback like this.

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No, you had different weapons for the specs. You didn’t have to destroy your prot stuff if you were putting it in your dps weapon.