IRL Friends LF Grown Up, Boring Guild

Myself, my wife and my 2 mates are looking for a guild. We’re all in our 40’s… Well, one of us is 36 but his body is dropping to bits like he’s in his 70s. We’re all from UK and love vikings, metal music, fantasy and nerdy stuff in general.

We’re all some variation of ‘ex hardcore, ex tryhard, ex mythic, ex blah blah’ raiders, we can’t commit to a raid schedule and we’re mostly focusing on M+ and delves.

We are:
Me: A prot/ret paladin, introverted, boring and dad jokey, played since TBC launch
My wife: A havoc demon hunter, riddled with performance anxiety and loves to insult me, played since TBC launch
Mate 1: Resto druid, extrovert, so eager he comes across as arrogant but really isn’t, played since vanilla
Mate 2: Frost DK, so introverted he’s turned inside out and the initial ‘hello’ will be all he says, but he’s lovely, played since vanilla.

We’re looking for somewhere that can give as good as they can take in terms of banter and jokes, we are lovely people but we’re not good people to have around snowflakes.

Please let me know if we would be a good fit for your guild :slight_smile:


In the nicest possible way i think my guild would be perfect for you

I’m over 40 myself, played since classic, raided at high levels in the past but have a real life now.

I really enjoy this expansion so far but noticed all the raiding guilds just stack as many people in as possible and throw them in a 30 man raid.

I’m looking to build a max team of 20 and people can come to raids when they can, if you need to miss thats fine.

Everybody is super friendly and we raid Thurs and Sun at 8pm CET

We also have various people doing M+ etc so i think we can match all the things you’re looking for :slight_smile:

If you’d like to have a chat about it message me on Bnet at leon501#2740

The snowflake part sold me, my guild would be a perfect fit for you, message me ok discord ‘Raaage’ we can talk more there!

(post deleted by author)

Hey Morgenes, wife (the boss) and friends,

I think our guild Faster than Lag would be a solid fit for you all. We’re quite early in the rebuild phase but already have a strong social aspect and have started raiding the last 2 resets.

A guild focused on all experience and skill levels, no drama and no rush mentality. Quickly went from zero progress to 3/8 HC with a team that includes players never having set foot in a raid before.

Activity all throughout the week and 2 dedicated nights for the raid, Thursday and Sunday 20:15-22:30 server time.

If interested please reach out to me on LisburnAsh82#2168

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We are the perfect fit for your group as the core players of our guild are family and friends as well

the usuall replay
One and All Guild is a Casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself

we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 7:15 PM UK time Team 1
We raid Monday (one day) 7:15 PM UK Team 2 (alt and unsaved mains)
We M+ on Wednesday 7:15 PM - 3 groups and growning

we are 7/8H Guild currently for TWW Season 1

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…,.,.,…

Hello there

Might want to consider us - youngest member is early twenties, oldest member is my mother (I’m 33) :smiley:

We really have grown nicely as a guild made some superb progress as well as maintaining the social side i really can recommend the guild great bunch :+1: