Many of us farming this mount now in BfA have noticed unusually high dry streaks and attempt counts, way too high for the expected 1% raid mount drop rate. BFA brought loot changes to WoD content, which many are suspecting caused problems with mount drops in old raids - which was confirmed by one of the recent blue posts about fixing the Azure and Blue Drake drops.
For those unacquainted with mount farming, all raid mounts are considered fairly easy drops. Their estimated chance is 1% and for most people really putting their time into it and using multiple alts, getting those is just a formality. 300-400 attempts is already considered incredibly unlucky for an average 1% raid mount. In this case, people are going 600+ or even 800+ attempts dry without getting the blackhand mount. Myself I am currently at 630 attempts without the drop. These kinds of numbers almost conclusively mean the drop rate is somehow botched / bugged.
Also, just to address the common counter-argument used against posts like these that often gets posted by people not deep in mount farming as an activity.
Yes, I know. However, there is a realistic range of attempts one can expect from a certain drop chance. This is evidenced by years of mount farming by hundreds of people.
Yes…the chance is always 1% for every individual kill, however once you stack attempts, the probability of receiving a positive result rises. Or in other words, it’s more and more probable you will succeed if you keep trying, simply due to the number of attempts. Just to use a simple example: if you roll a dice 10 times, the probability you will get 6 at least once is higher than if you just roll the dice 1 time. It’s bordering on impossibility to do 800 tries on something that has a 1% chance to happen and not have it happened. It shows that something is clearly wrong with the mount.
More data can be seen here, where people post their attempt counts.
About 2 months ago I made a reddit thread, where I got some good feedback, and some bad feedback, but overall nothing really came out of it.
Personally, I am almost certain this mount drop is currently bugged. I’ve farmed almost every single 1% raid mount in the game from wod downwards, and I know what to expect. In this situation, many people are reporting just exuberant amounts of tries that convince me it’s bugged. We need a fix, just like they fixed the Azure/Blue Drakes.
PS. One more thing:
Someone actually getting the mount does not invalidate the claim that there is some kind of a bug. As evidenced by this thread (The forum doesn’t allow me to add a link via edit interface for some reason, it’s on MMO champ achievement section) the person actually got the Azure Drake during the bugged period after about 400+ tries. It’s possible that the bug only prevents the mount to drop when some specific circumstances occur, so it’s still possible to get it in some cases, but not for all mythic boss kills, which should be the case.