Is 2h for Frost PvP Viable?

I am currently leveling a frost DK for PvP purposes (i know it’s not the best time to do so but i kinda like it) and i was wondering if the 2h build is good because i don’t really like the dual wield. Does 2h hit harder and dw is more consistent or what?

Dual wield seems to be more popular but I’ve seen the highest rated frost DK called ( Xêêk and Frøstgødxêêk ) on US, he uses 2h sometimes.
So I guess it is visible.

2x1h have higher sustain with big Frost strikes. 2h have 1shot build with big obliterates.

Both very fun to play :slight_smile:

Always 2h here, i do my cleave goes every 1 min with reapers mark with macro in pillar.

Reapers mark got no global so it’s an extra burst baked into pillar :slight_smile:

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