Is a season server so

When there is a new phase we should get the old raids be a 3d lookout.
Im no longer a kidd who got all time in the world and its hard to adapt a life to a game.

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Choose Life

You played the game since a child, now your a big dwarf and maybe have responsibilities or maybe a job or maybe a family to look after…maybe time for a break /quit all together?

There comes a time in life when you may not have time to play cartoon games and you may have to prioritize

If you fart out children for example, and then moan about them sucking up your time and you cant play cartoon wow, maybe it’s time for a reality check.

Some people just can’t let go of wow

Drop the game like it’s a hot pile of :poop: and choose real things

It disturbs me greatly many wow players have spent decades playing this game.

Does it disturb you greatly, when people spent hours in gym, doom scrolling social media and watching sports all day too? Or is it just disturbing for you when people love gaming? Maybe let go the mindset of the 90s?

Of course adults should care about balance in life but this counts for every hobby.

Im not really understanding. You say you have no time, but then you want a 3d lock out which would mean spending more time in the game? Surely a 7d lock out means you only have dedicate one night a week, as opposed to 2?

As for the second comment, well yeah what a ridiculous take.

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I understand what you saying but in life i can have a week full of different must i have to do and some weeks its more chill.
Just want more options and not faling behind to mutch and more you fall behind the harder it is.

Yes, it will depend on what they are doing I suppose, some might just be there to hang about and look pretty but I have seen people do serious damage to their health with excessive exercise. Knew a bodybuilder who looked great, not arnold bulky but pretty muscular, turned out his body fat was dangerously low , he was passing out all the time and he could :poop: enough to start his own compost business due to far too much protein in his diet.

Yes, reading too much “news” has made people crazy…or crazier, unhinged even

I have managed to live with very little social media, only made a face book last year because my kitty went missing and had to post on a group.

Luckily I found my kitty and hopefully won’t have to go on facebook again

Never used any other social media - never felt the need or inclination.

People think I have some secret life/hidden family/been in the jail due to my lack of social media presence.

This does not disturb me, but I find it weird, some wrap their identity up in a team which I do find disturbing though, when their house/garden is all covered in a sports teams stuff

Personally I can’t sit and watch people play sports, I would rather be playing it myself, I don’t have the fan mentality and gush over celebrities.

I have met people that love games, they play many,varied types and have huge room full of pc and tabletop gaming stuff and they also have a outside of gaming life to go along with that, ie job / family / responsibilities…moderation/balance this is a good hobby, this does not disturb me

But I have also met many gamer’s who have multiple accounts for one game, spend most of their income on games, never socialize outside of games and spend 10 hours a day playing games due to not having a job or any other thing in their life…that’s not a good hobby, this does disturb me.

Have you never left Azeroth in all this time I take it?
If i hit to close to home by accident /shrugs

TLDR Orcs disturb me…GREATLY! (red ones are ok though, just the green one’s you can’t trust)

Your assumptions and prejudices are very telling. Let me be clear, the hobby of other people and how much time they spent is not your business.

yeah think so eh my bad /shrugs

Let me be clear…clearly I wasn’t being clear enough…so let me be clearer perhaps…they disturb me…never said anything about business…I find extreme almost self harming behavior…disturbing…if my opinion does not sit well with you /shoo

Go snort some fresh air, you stink off two decades sitting in front on a PC playing wow mr orc

/giggle :smiley:

last post for you (muted :smiley: ), your either a troll or I have hit too close to home for you, you clearly don’t like reading either so what’s the point? damnn crazy orcs