Is Alliance Dead on this Server?

I log into alliance capital its dead, i switch to my horde and capital is heaving. I go to chamber of hearts i’m the only alliance here surrounded by like 50 horde… wtf is this? im starting to think legit only 10% of this server group is even alliance anymore.

It looks like it, PvE wise at least. Struggling to find a “decent” guild that raids. Outside of the big 3 it seems pretty rough.

DB is perhaps a little more quiet compared to the past. But speaking from a WM on perspective, I still see both Alliance and Horde around.

According to warcraft progress the realm still has a 1:1 ratio. Not sure how that plays into the whole sharding with other RP realms ever since the introduction of warmode though.

I think the crux lies in war mode. I found, to my astonishment, that even RPers keep the war mode on in this realm. You should turn it on to see more people. And it used to be a PvP realm IIRC, so you won’t see much gameplay change.

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I think specifically, all RP realms Warmode together. Basically now you have RP realms and non-RP realms.

How does it work with warmode off and on though? I see a few AD players with WM on, but I’d expect to be flooded with them while in WM off, however, that is not the case.

WM is one layer of phasing. On live WoW, you’re put in a bubble with other people who match you. Server Type > WM On/Off. Classic does it differently, however, they just have one big server with only (and everyone) from that server near you at all times. This has actually been changed in the past week due to server lag.

The system is in place to reduce lag, however, it can lead to the game feeling empty.

There is much more AD players with war mode off. However, you’re not flooded with them because there’s enough of them for their own shard, or two. Therefore, you are sharded with other realms who have small amounts of WM off, or are just small realms. The game tries to balance it all to create stable, equal-ish groups of people.

Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying that.

So with all these many servers most are dead, other have 95% of one faction etc is it time blizzard do an ESO and make 1 big mega server. then we have access to all guilds, 1 big economy and all our friends and new people we meet and this way they can make instances and we never have to have shortages of anything.

Well, at least in terms of RP servers, I don’t think so. The feeling of community (albeit reduced in recent times due to sharding etc.) is important here. Also, I can’t imagine the influx of PvE heroes and PvP chads from different servers would be good for anyone.

Tiny bit of misinformation here.

RP servers share shard when you have WM on, but don’t shard with other realms at all when you’re in WM off. On AD, WM off phases are much more lively, because, as you correctly guessed, most players on AD prefer to play with WM off. Defias et al, perhaps due to its history as the RP-PVP realm, seems to be much happier to play with WM on. Speaking as someone from AD, at least, who plays with WM on 99% of time, I see a lot more people from the Defias server cluster than I do my own realm when I’m out questing.

So that’s the realm why WM on seems to be more populated for you: A lot of players on your own realm play with it on, and when you have it off, you don’t share with other realms.

That’d explain my previous question. Thanks!

I see people from other realms with war mode off all the time. Most commonly we get dumped into an Argent Dawn shard out of nowhere and suddenly there are people with TRP on in the middle of nowhere and we wonder what’s going on.

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