Is alliance really doing worse?

This season with my warlock 456 ilevel human (alliance ) no corruption doing random battleground / brawl / Epic battleground


I came back to the game with this character recently and I’ve been winning quite a lot, you can check my stats. Granted it’s only like 20 games but still lol.
I feel like I make a big difference in small BGs as a healer but epic BGs are a coin toss.

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Horde wins more i got 1949 random battlegrorunds played with 1070 wins , thats over 50% … doesent include rated bg or brawl. here is the SS

Following your logic, I could say that the alliance wins more, because my statistics are better than yours…

Arround 70% win rate here.

Horde outnumbers alliance but the traitors who switched to horde joins their bgs with 100k life making alliance win.

My feelings are conflicted.

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Tbh if I talk in my case , my friend list is hero of the horde , hero of the alliance , gladiator/elite guys. We never queue for horde team.

Always mercenary.

Some people when inviting me to premades, they say let’s queue mercenary.

I say “I thought it was the plan. Horde queue is torture.”

Mercenary system brings alliance more wins.

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Horde has more premades in general, which almost guarantees a win in small bg. They can carry worse geared players.

Alot of these premades join as mercenaries because the long horde queues.

Been doing alot of bgs recently on my dh and i would say win rate has been atleast 65-35 in favour alliance, maybe more.

take away the number of russian premades and score might be even tho. and thats a thing on both factions.

The reason why horde does better because better players tend to play horde. Most people that go horde do so because they wanna raid hard and those people care about playing properly whereas alliance has a lot of noobs who just chose it because they like the visuals. They tend to not raid or do anything serious and just do everything for fun.
I always queue as ally on my horde and I keep seeing people with 300k and 400k health but when I go as horde people always have very good gear.

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posts above though I think they say the opposite

Thats like 2 bgs on horde so not that bad right? :grin:

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Nice thats 1.5 pvp set in SL. :muscle:

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lost 2 bgs as alliance in like 5 months :slight_smile:
Premade tryhards all go merc = higher amount of carriers


On Alliance I lose most epics these days, but normals are about 50/50. As someone else said above, I feel like I can make more of a difference as a healer in smaller groups. In epic ones, especially Wintergrasp, Alliance tends to lose because of mentality and all the people who leave the bg (losing ranks for vehicles). You almost never have a full group, people spawn at start over and over and you can never move as a group. Haven’t been horde in years, but back then Alliance used to win epic BGs.

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Alliance has better PvP racials > top players all roll alliance > top players mostly play in premade guild/communities > drains top players from alliance random teams and lowers their overall skill level.

This doesn’t does not change the fact that alliance win more in regular bgs in overall

Youre 50% as likely to be in one of those won bgs that gets autowon because of a 5man premade. Not to mention the over-5-man sync queued premades that still happen. So it feels like alliance wins way less.

Premades playing mercenary. So exactly opposite of what you are saying.

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They really should really make it so that you couldn’t queue merc as premades, it’s stupid