Is Alliance truly bad in PvP?

You can easily find out if the other side is better in PvP without buying a faction change or leveling a new character on the other faction. Players on both factions can use mercenary mode by talking to an NPC and queuing to BGs as a mercenary of the other faction.

By the way, I’m surprised that nobody has blamed Russian premades yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Its really not most of my games were 70:30 in the favour of the Horde losing 4bgs just to win one when my Russian comrades saved me :joy:.


that is just gamblers fallacy . people in random bg sucks exackly the same on both sides - mainly due to lack of coordination .

from what i noticed over the years its all coming down usually to first “clash” and which groups is more succesfully - most groups that loose this initial “encounter” just give up and never recover.

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You are correct but i am inclined to agree with him also and if i could would put all of my money on Horde the safest bet :joy:.

Actually Zensor is correct, both you and the OP have small sample numbers, but your Win% are 47% and 48% respectively.

Looking at the Win% for my main Alliance and Horde characters, A:48% and H:46%.

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By going to bgs with me :slight_smile: Also you’re welcome to our bg community - everyone is accepted regardless of skill. We strive to play as a team, but are not elitists. There you can be sure no one will yell at you and if you need help and advice, we have discord and can chat. Poke me when you join and will do some bgs together.

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I would but i dont think we are on the same realm :grinning: and will be happy to join you guys.

Realm doesnt matter, once you join and we are both online and free, we can go.

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Yay i have a teacher now ,i will be one of those cool guys now lol joking aside i look forward to meeting you.

A casual pvper is garbage on both sides. I mean 0 offense by that, it is what it is. You’ll lose majority of your games on horde or alliance. As a 5 man group on discord, all focusing a healer in a split second. Will be 100x better then 0 communication and screaming KILL HEALER in chat. Which take it from me, no one listens, or cares.

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Lol yea i have seen those actually in bg a few days ago yelling in all caps KILL HEALER!.And i was attacking one before he started yelling then many people just ignored him cause he was being an incoheret loudmouth.

Not gonna lie… I’ve done it plenty of times losing my head raging :joy:.

Last game I was stood next to a healer, screaming in chat GUYS THIS IS WHAT A HEALER LOOKS LIKE KILL IT. No one came to help lmao.


Dear god. The healer should have /wave to them, “hey it’s me, hello??”
Well at least you received the revelation how he looks like, the rest will keep their search.

I am healer too, people can practice by staring at my portrait.

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Not gonna work becaus people will mistake you for retribution paladin :joy:.

Its becaus you were yelling and nobody likes a loudmouth.

I haven’t really been in any BG’s after returning (WM suits me better) - but I seem to remember some BGs inspirred the players to act badly :slight_smile:

My favorite was Arathi Basin (I think it was that battlegorund :thinking:), because no one played that BG like it was supposed to, one time someone asked in the chat “you do know that we have to capture and protect the flag?” and no one answered because we were all busy killing each other in the middle of the BG :joy:

All of the other BGs I behaved and I recall other did - how the BGs are now, maybe you end up in the ones that make people not behave like the they should? :slight_smile:

Ok then people should look at my shield. A dude in plate armor that looks like retri but has a shield = healer. Dude + shield = healer. Dude in plate that stands behind dps = healer.

Hmm maybe still too difficult.

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And there you go thats much better.

could be a prot pala? or war? xD

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Yea thats the thing people need to play healing classes more to learn who does what.