Is any build competitive in M+ with momentum/glaive throw that's less painful to play?

I started the xpac a few weeks after M+ opened so I’m still at lower keys around 10 and about 380 ilvl, but this sh$t is plain painful to play man.

I feel like a squid with having to piano around 10-12 active buttons at all time, zip around tight corridors with swirlies and stuff going around all the time, and whenever a fight is very restricted in terms of space like the 1st boss in Jade Temple, my dps can either suck or I can jump around like a lunatic and get blasted.

Ofc this can improve as I get more familiar with the dungeons but the playstyle is just exhausting despite admittedly being fun. My hand literally hurts after an average dungeon. I specifically wanted to main havoc to learn the raid and the new dungeons without much complexity, but this is literally among the hardest specs I’ve ever played in this game.

Is any other (more) stationary build remotely competitive in M+ or is it jumping around and keeping track of 5 different buffs/debuffs or bust?

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Most classes arent as mobile as DH, however they do have alot more active buttons.

Aa a example outlaw rogues dont move as much as DHs however have a far higher APM in its rotation.

However yes there are several classes whivh perform at DHs level or higher in m+

Boomkins seem to be doing rather qell according to logs, and as a caster will stand away from the fight and cast from afar.

I just realized that I typed in spec instead of build lol, I was actually thinking about a different havoc build that doesn’t involve all the juggling of momentum buffs, glaive throw CDs and initiative etc.

I’m not looking for a braindead playstyle but anything that doesn’t involve all of these, preferably no momentum, and is competitive in terms of dps.

oh. i see

apprantly theres a non momentum build called the Demonic build which features less mobility. unsure of where u could find the build tho.

you can find it if you’re looking, it’s with leftside+middle, no momentum but glaive tempest.
overall less AOE, more ST. this is played alot anyway on tyranical weeks.

regarding active buttons, i’m really curious to see people calling havoc easy nowadays give this spec a go.
you have builder/spender/blade dance+throw glaive(do not have 2 available or dmg will be meh as it applies not only bleed but vulnerability to immo aura) to be used during momentum( do not ninja, do not rush into ground effect’s that m+ is riddled with, or frontals)/ eyebeam+essence break to be used during momentum window, immo aura which stacks a “bomb” on you while it ticks so you have to stand close to all the mobs, more dmg more change for crit to make bomb stronger while doing all your momentum shenanigans. +hunt/vengeful retreat on cooldown (pref with eyebeam+essence break/fire sigil (does alot on aoe with this build) plus the damn seasonal affix.

you have 8 buttons under 30sec while 4 are active constantly.(under 10)
i’ve dabbed a bit with other melee classes none come close to the brain farts i’m getting while playing this as it constantly feels i could do more.
if i’m not rested i can’t play it efficiently, i either die or get people killed.
“you are not prepared” funnily enough i don’t feel like i am yet.
ofc it gets going once muscle memory is available, but it’s a ride getting there :slight_smile:


For jade temple first boss I just take something like this build:


0 vengeful retreat, 0 momentum. You still have a miniburst around essence break and eyebeam that you need to pair but it’s much easier to play. It’s an old boss, it’s not designed with dh in mind.

Then when you go back past the entrance just go out the dungeon for a sec and switch back to the momentum build. That being said in jade you don’t really pull big enough to worry too much about not taking momentum/soulrend/ragefire, and in tyrannical weeks better to go full ST anyway.

Newer dungeons have a bit more freedom to play that build, using environment like walls to fel rush into also helps a lot and vengeful retreating through the pack instead of back from it also is the play (watch for frontals tho)

If you don’t like momentum its not a throw to leave it behind, glaive tempest still pumps.

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