Is anyone at Blizzard fixing graphic "bugs"?

I’m just curious because I’ve reported a few bugs before 8.3 but they don’t seem like they care because it’s such a “minor” thing.

A few examples:

Skullripper mount makes you look like you’re levitating with your butt a few cm above the actual spine of the raptor. Lazy devs? It’s obvious the mount has typical raptor model, and it has the saddle on it, but Skullripper is “naked” and she doesn’t have a saddle, so your character’s butt is not even touching the raptor’s back. It just looks ridiculous. Same with Goldenmane: comparing to Terrified Pack Mule the character maybe isn’t levitating so obviously like on Skullripper, but it;s visible that the saddle is a bit lower and your character might levitate on it.
Second example is this cursed wand Warmaster’s Firestick (stage 1) visual bug of the crystal that a single “needle” of pixels is sticking out of it. Unusable for transmog. It looks, again, ridiculous.
Another one is: EVERY ARMORED CAT MOUNT (Sandy Nightsaber, Shado-Pan Tigers, Night Elf race swift sabers) has this frame-skip bug on their front paws, when running, it just skips movement and their paws look like they’re teleporting. Swift Sabers animation on classic is fluid. Retail “armored” cats/sabers having this disgusting bug.
I could go on and on but I’m just really sad that these kind of things are treated like nobody cares about them. Please fix the gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Sandy Nightsaber doesn’t have the frame-skip bug, only armored cats.

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I can confirm those visual bugs are annoying and most likely very easy to fix

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