Is anyone NOT going to play WOTLK?

I don’t know tbh. I will stick around just to spend some time in Northrend (and see where things go) but I am hoping for Season of Mastery TBCC (because I missed the initial release).

The issue with this release of Wotlk is how aggressive players have become in every aspect of the game. Farming, grinding, pushing content. Not sure how things will turn out but I will just stick around and leisurely stroll through the content.

why would it be ? badge gear coming much later makes any gearing up in classic atm pointless anyway . most people will come back once ICC is out. even Ulduar is nice but way overrated imo .

That sounds like a you problem!

You’re my problem!

You wish I were your problem…

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Omg, doesn’t even have TL3…

Anyhow! Once DF will forget all about classic again and I know lots that feel the same.

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Me… not interested in living in the past anymore.

Omg doesn’t even post the gif for me. Thankfully there is actual helpfull people around!


Alright, so it went something like this…

I installed Wrath, launched the game and the login screen with its music gave me instant chills and a blast of nostalgia. I went on to make my DK but ended up going through all the races and being amazed at how remarkably ugly they are. I ended up recreating the same toons I had when I started playing the game though and messing around with them for a little bit. The starting zones, atmosphere and leveling are still great and I must say it still felt like an actual RPG game compared to retail. I only downloaded the Questie addon because nobody ain’t got time to wait for the quest text to finish :roll_eyes: Soon I realized that the history was repeating itself as I got stuck in the eternal pain of “my God I can’t pick my main” so I deleted the toons, finished the DK quest chain, snooped around Orgrimmar a little and uninstalled the game.



Right you are girl!

Though I like the scribble sound…

Might play it for the mount, but not bothered- done WOTLK first time round

The addon has a bunch of useful options that make things less depressing.

I could make coffee before being able to accept the quest :sleeping:

The sound is pretty asmr but no way I could do all the quests like that :smile:

I will never touch it.

I feel no motivation and would not feel any sense of accomplishment for finishing content that was already done 14 years ago and has been rinsed dry by private server players.

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Hmm yeah…sometimes I get nostalgic and want to hear it…kind of sad they didn’t make it an option to turn on and just removed it!

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I enjoyed it at the time with my main and oodles of alts - will pass and leave it to others :+1:

I played it when it came out the first time.

I’m not going to repeat it this time. I moved to the UK a year and a half ago and that meant starting over in WOW. At least for me so I’ve basically been trying to catch up and rebuild. I’ll continue doing that. I actually have enjoyed it immensely. :smile:

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i wont.

i experienced WoTLK and dont rly need to re-experience it, i’ve never been a massive fan of the whole “Nostalgia” Concept so it doesnt really lure me in.

I will just keep playing Retail and finding a main for DF really.