Is archaeology making a comeback or not?

Is archaeology making a comeback or is it now officially a discontinued profession with only old world stuff to do?

On the beta anyways, it was not updated, and most interviews with devs back when DF was announced mention it not being revived for this expansion.
I remember them saying they wanted to revamp the system, but they already talked about that during BfA, so while it’s not completely dead, nobody knows if they’re still working on revamping it.

Bummer :confused:

As far as we know it’s been left by the wayside, despite this being literally the perfect expansion for Archaeology to return.

What Ion said about it


…the perfect expansion for archaeology.
I just recruited expedition crewmembers wanting to find relics on the dragon Isles.
To me that says Archaeology, so if there isnt Im gonna be sad :frowning_face:

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