Is arena PVP broken atm?

Not to be rude but when so called “2.2k” player comes to forums to seek justification as to why he is stuck below rival and believes he plays good i can only facepalm. Just my opinion though, ofc you don’t have to listen to some noob with less “achievements”.

One of the few people here who actually nailed it. Others just see one or two aspects of the whole picture and cry about them.


You are a bunch of sissys

while gears makes it easy its not the main factor to why you cant push.

On my alt lock im 375 and playing at around 2.2k mmr with partners wich have around the same gear.

Does it make it easier? yes but its not the main factor.

Tank trinkets do make a huge diference but at higher ratings, its literally the diference between winning or losing in some matchups.

I would check my gameplay first, then comp then gear.

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