I see a lot of topics complaining and asking for reworks of the Blood Death Knight (BDK), this worries me and got me pondering. Is BDK really that bad to play?
I ask because BDK feels awesome to play, in my opinion at least. I love the whole feel of the spec. Though, there could be some more rune generation thrown in to speed it up overall. The gameplay loop is just so very satisfying to complete and hone towards greater hights of mastery.
I love - the more you get hit, the more damage you do - the more damage you take, the more easily you can keep yourself up. You are rewarded to push yourself past pulling small and ‘safe’, as it is a lot safer to pull a bit too much than less. This reward loop is what keeps the spec exhilarating and fresh. You want to find that perfect balance, to do the dance of your HPS vs DTPS, you want to find out how far you can go. It is a masterwork of tank gameplay design. It makes other tanks look bland and subpar. Is this what many do want - to have BDK become another static DTPS mitigater, like the rest?
I understand that Death and Decay is not enjoyed by all, yet I find it refreshing to play around the ability. All from it giving offensive power, defensive and even kiting potential is all big positive factors in my eyes. Yet - I do multiclass, so I can understand why some people who main BDK and only BDK find it exhausting and stiffeling. There is only one way to play and DD is a core part of it to do it right.
Even as I see many say so, threat per second is of no issue for BDK, in all honesty, the burst TPS of the spec is immense with shatterbones. Start off with a DRW shatter, bloodboil inside DD and you are set for the fight. BDK basically got the better thorns. So even when a full burst class like Evoker blasts, it is so very easy on a BDK to reliably keep things still locked onto you - especially when the HPS kicks in.
Now, one could argue that BDK does too low damage at the current state. This is also partly true by what I have seen. But I am not completely sold it is a true DPS issue, more a TPS issue, when your co-tank can rip threat off of you while tanking together. This if an actual issue must be addressed. Yet, on the other side of the coin - I can’t see how BDK could get the benefit of being a completely selfsustaining tank and bringing mid-top tier DPS of all the tanks. If BDK is the best tank for your self-sustained option and you basically play as an immortal, is it then fair also to ask to be pushing out the other tanks on the DPS meters?
So while I do not want to say BDK should not get a minor rework, I truly and wholeheartedly hope that the core gameplay loop stays the same.
That all mentioned, I truly can’t wait to read your opinions and takes on BDK, both bad and hopefully some good. We will probably all agree that some DPS increases is still needed, even after the 8% aura buff, to help with the ST TPS issues in a co-tank setting. Yet, do we need more and if so - what can do you want to see gained, and then at what cost?
I do love my little BDK after all, so I hope to see it get even better and played by more in the future