Is BFA as bad as people say?

If you don’t like pruning, it’ll be the worst ever for you.

I was shocked to discover that most of the world quests give only 75 rep. I was recently farming reputation in outlands with netherwing and the dailies there give 250, 350 and one 500 rep each.
The time gating for reputation in Bfa went too far i think.


Elite quests and dungeon quests should give more base rep than normal WQs, but they don’t.

No its not, the only thing thats bad, is voice chat.

Not the worst. Story on both side is very good. Almost all the zones are very beautiful.
The problem are some of the main content like WF and IE that after some times it become very boring and the massive pruning of the classes.
But definitely an average exp with somethin to enjoy.

But was there any expansions were after completing the story you had more to do than raid / pvp ? Now mythic +?

You can also do pet battle , islands and so on. And there are still the secrets you could try to do which are lots of fun like Ba‘al

So so so so boring.


It is the smalll things that get to one. For example getting stuck here, stuck there or invisible walls popping up in Boralus and zandalar.
The hate is just the community now mate. Lots of spoiled rotten snowflakes.
I think its just a filler expac TBH . Building for the next one.
Also they lied bigtime about this expansion and that created resntment from the player base. Lied about release date of new races . Plus timegating everything god damn thing like their lives depended on it.
Lots of players including myself dislike the pruning they have done to every class. Toning it down to dunce level. The quests have gotten old and tirede and they still think these are innovative LOL they are crappy and repetitive and worse still incredibly boring.
There is so much wrong with this game atm that they will be lucky to last one more expansion with other more fresh and new games coming about which are far more popular. I could go on about this for a long time.
You will see for yourself why people are quitting.

You can easily explain that.

Netherwing is a faction which is located in only a tiny part of a zone, only reachable and doable once you hit max-level.

We now have basically only Zone-wide reputations (+ the Tortollan (most annoying one I’d say), Honorbound / 7th legion - (super simple if you do the invasions) and i forgot CoA (quite easy with the emissary quests)), which you basically get honored with by solely finishing all the quests in the zone while leveling. We can’t really compare the two if you ask me.

That brings me to a point, the zones are quite nice but we lack sub-zones and factions…and I personally miss the connection between a world quest (new form of a daily I’d say) and a faction.

If a world quest would give the same rep, you’d be exalted in no-time, which makes the whole reputation-thing worthless (already is in some way tho).

Personally I think reputations are fine for like, extra mounts and the like, but not for allied races. It’s too long for arguably no reason, it’s not like you learn something more, you just… Grind. Personally I haven’t ever bothered with reputations if not for allied races, and it hasn’t ever been a nice experience, it just felt stressful.

Nonetheless, I do it, cause I love the new allied races, but from a developing perspective I don’t think it’s the best solution. If the same amount of time could be achieved by a very, very long quest line that actually explains something then I’m totally fine with it, but achieving that amount of time with methods usually done by collectionists doesn’t really feel good.

This doesn’t mean you have to hand me the reward with no effort on my part, but rather make the effort something I can feel good about, not a pain I’d rather forgot asap. So yea, in that way rep is “useless/too long” if you ask me, but that’s just my opinion of course.

EDIT : Suramar was almost there. The quest line was so long and detailed I never felt like I was wasting my time. I’ve done very “few” world quests there, and I’ve actually enjoyed unlocking nightbornes. Sadly, I think I could say this only for this very allied race.

Some things are great other things not so good

I just think many got frusrated due so many bugs from start and it reminds to much of legion without becoming as popular

Well the Allied races is a problem on it’s own. First have to grind rep, secondly level up a char to 110 if you haven’t got one for that faction.

Gladly the reputations gained in Argus got boosted significantly, but still.

The Suramar quest line was really decent yes. A bit spread out over a too long period perhaps, but it was surprisingly nice to do.

Yup it is, but I feel like the main complaint about REP being too long to farm in general it’s because of allied races, otherwise many people (me absolutely first among them) wouldn’t even care about it lagging behind

people saying it’s not the worst expansion ever must’ve just started playing for the first time in bfa and think it’s fine


your daily things-to-do are abysmal.


For me, the fun is largely in doing M+ with friends.

I don’t feel it’s such a terrible expansion. Three negatives that stand out to me (for me) are the Azerite pieces and that they do not change traits with the currently active specialization, the amount of materials needed for flasks and potions, and especially class balance (particularly in M+). If I played alts, which I stopped doing after WoD already, the Azerite necklace would be a fourth negative for me.

End-game-wise, I feel that BFA offers fundamentally as much as Legion did, and more than previous expansions (where you only had PvP and raids).

It’s not the worst, there is enough content for me to get myself occupied, but I’m also quite a casual player with limited time so I can’t really speak for people that has more of time for themselves.

I consider azerite power to be step forward from Legion artifact because you don’t have to grind for every damn specc separately - even if traits themselves re hit and miss.

Story cuould’ve been done better admittedly but all in all I think it’s ok expansion.

Its a good expansion, althou imo, only after 8.2 is live we can trully judge this expansion.
Atleast i know i will.

“Dont believe the hype” :wink:

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As a person who played Cataclysm and then took a break until the patch 8.1 I honestly enjoy the game.
From what my buds told me Legion was somewhat amazing and spoiled their expectations.

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It is still unacceptably buggy and very frustrating. I really would love to know the perceived logic of purposely pissing people off by making the game the way it is. They could fix it easy but I think they get off on us all running about on edge.