Is BFA as bad as people say?

I recently returned to the game and so far i’m enjoying the game, I’ve never been so engaged in the story and cut scenes as i have in this expansion… I returned back from FFXIV which has such a boring and slow combat, classes that all feel and play almost the same and a very generic open world that doesn’t feel alive or enjoyable to explore and quest in. But i hear many people saying BFA is the worst WoW expansion ever and everyone is now quiting the game etc… so is this the best or the worst expansion? Why the hate?


Not really the worst, but it’s just a really meh expansion. The story is comically bad, Sylvanas being a comic book villain while alliance turning back into lawful stupid. Also the main features of the expansion (island expeditions and warfronts) pretty much failed, they are dull and boring. That leaves us only with allied races which are just that, new races woooo…


not sure why they didn’t make warfronts pvp, 40 vs 40 either side can win etc. when the expansions was announced i actually thought they were pvp. only close to launch did i see they were only pve.

Lor’themar Theron for Warchief…


I don’t find it to be a bad expansion personally… :neutral_face:

I’m enjoying some of the Alliance stories, manly anything that isn’t the boring war. :blush:

I enjoy most of the casual content that everybody else complains about. I’m not a raider and I don’t do mythic+ so the casual stuff is what keeps me busy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t care about class design because I play mostly a frost mage or beast master hunter and I still find them both fun to play. I don’t PvP. :zipper_mouth_face:

The only thing I don’t really enjoy is the azerite armor and traits. I find it confusing and also it’s annoying that I have to tab out of the game and look up on an external website whether a new piece of azerite armor is actually better or worse when it comes to traits. :unamused:

I guess I’m just easily pleased. :smile:


I have also recently come back after taking a break since august, so practically i am also new to BfA. Even i liked the areas and the story, i have to admit i reach the point where there is nothing more to do apart from leveling alts.
My problems with BfA
As you level from 110 to 120 you feel weaker and slower, i especially felt it with my druid after 116 my energy generation went much worse.
Crafting and professions make no sense, you have to run mythic 0 dungeons to craft low (340 ilvl) gear
The war campaign was nice but after that you realise that there is not much to do to progress your character besides raids and mythic+.
You are showered with gear but after a certain point due to heavy RNG it seems almost impossible to get a useful drop.
Warfronts are not bad if you do them once per cycle but island expeditions are pretty boring and repetitive.
Azerite system makes no sense, you get lucky with a drop only to realize that this piece has to stay in your bags until the azerite neck reaches a certain level. At least they promised to fix this in 8.2.
At the moment i am just leveling my 110 alts but i am not sure if there is something for me after i am done with it.


I enjoy BfA, though it’s the only expack I’ve played from the start so I’m not best placed to compare it to previous ones. However, I’ve spent more time in-game in BfA than most other games I’ve played over the years, so it can’t be too bad.

They’ve been experimenting with new things, many new things, some good and some less good, but inevitably the bad ones resound way more than the good ones.
A falling tree is noisier than a forest growing. This time the forest is huge, but the trees falling are plenty too


Not bad, just not nearly as good as they said it would be and they’re quite out of touch with the playerbase.


It’s called a matter of taste I suppose.

A lot of people hate Fortnite, but a lot of people also plays Fortnite - same with WoW.

Every new expansion is always the worst and is the one to kill the game.

But then again, if you look at my profile (and goggle that beautiful taurneness :smirk: ), you’ll learn fast that I don’t play the game or the content, so my opinion could be invalid :wink:

Its more of meh for me.

  1. Wardronts we been lied its gona be 40vs40 big pvp battles.
  2. Island expeditions failed so much that they are boring
  3. This neck azerite farm and the RNG about the azerite items. And once you get the BiS ones what blizzard do? Nerf them by 50% which is stupid and you are forced to look for new ones.

Its just like WoD little to no substance but atleast wod had ashran and garrison both of those were mediocre but kept me busy and had something to do but in BFA there is just Island expeditions that i got bored after 2-5 runs and warfronts which i only bother to do for the free epic quest.

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id say, and have always said, its just a mish mash of other expansions disgarded ideas. A spring clean of the old expansions.

Its not that bad, just has some seriously bad things in it that were reported in beta and let through by blizzard anyway. Theres plenty of good things, but equally plenty of very bad things and a complete lack of inventiveness.

Ill tell you one thing though, I had 44 110s at the start of this expansion and normally I level about 20 to max by the time the second release is out cos im too bored with levelling to do any more than that … ive got 38 maxed now and I aint even had flying yet, let alone heirlooms. That tells me they’ve focused on alts for this expansion … and that has pee’d off a lot of people.
and for the first time in my life, I will say this … lfr is too easy and doesn’t inspire me to do it that much.

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definitely not the best, but also not the worst

the expansion just didn’t deliver anything special, you feel like playing legion again (with way less content) on a different world imo, and the azerite system gives you that sour taste on top of it

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I agree with this. There are certain things that give me flashbacks of WoD, others from Mists and Cata and some others from Legion. There isn’t any feeling of new and exciting, at least Legion had the artifacts which gave depth with the transmogs and class hall campaign.
BfA seems a mix but not always match of past systems which have been oversimplified and watered down.

I love BfA. Never had as good a time in WoW as I do in this expansion, and I have played on and off since Vanilla (played since open Beta pre Vanilla), with MoP being the only expansion I’ve missed.

The mass negativity was a result of a combination of:

  • Internet “hype”;
  • “Influencers” (Youtubers) jumping on the hype train for clicks;
  • some valid complaints, such as changes to gcd and master loot;
  • less valid complaints, such as “nothing to do” (when in fact there is more than ever before), “no class balance” (when it seems better than ever before), etc.; and
  • player “depression” going from end-game to new expansion (*).

(*) There’s always a hype for a new expansion. But when it hits, players go from being end-game demigods to being peasants having to work for scraps until they hit end game in the new expansion. This hit particularly hard when going from a highly enjoyable end of legion - where you finally had those BiS legendaries that you’d been working for for two years and an insanely powerful artifact weapon.

As someone who played BC to before Cata, and started again in Legion. Yeah, BfA is the worst expansion for me.

Is it that bad though?

For me, the best thing about BfA is the music, and zone design is awesome. War campaign is very enjoyable. Battle for Dazar’arlor is pretty good, but I’m a very casual raider. Only recently started doing raids once for story. I’ve been doing a bit of arenas, while barely doing any PvP before, but I think that is much of the same, excluding GCD changes.

Incursions can be pretty fun, and the rewards are good. Regarding WQs, I really don’t like the Tortollan ones. They are a poor subsitute for the awesome Kirin Tor WQs.

War Mode was a big part of this char as I was leveling him, and was a long time after 120, but I figured that all the zergs were too much, so I just moved to arenas.

On it’s own, is it a bad expansion? No.

Compared to Legion? Yes.


I felt the transition from Legion to BfA pretty painful.

Loss of Legendaries & artifacts & tier-sets & daily buffs were disappointing, but having my spec pruned into oblivion felt pretty awful too (less mobility, less CC, most sources of healing & self-sustainability removed, defensive nerfed 50%…etc).
GCD & energy changes were the salt in the wound, slowing down rotations.

In fairness though, to make up for all that loss, I now have an Azerite trait that gives me a 25% chance to make Blackout kick free :partying_face: :unamused:

No complaints about content.
I think WarMode is great, artwork is awesome, puns are amusing, scaling is great… it’s just tragic that my spec is less epic to play.


As a person who started playing in WoD and got really engaged in Legion to just take a break during 7.2…

BfA is just a Legion, but less…
Hear me out:

  • Story - is fun and engaging, for the first time. The more alts you run the more cracks and inconsitances you see. The whole “morally grey” aproach that xpac was advertised as is non-existent. Sylvana’s Horde is pure Evil, and Anduin’s Alliance is pure mery sue for the most part, beside few quests that portray Alliance actions questionable for horde players and some Horde actions plain villainous which are not as bad from Horde side.
  • Art - is gorgeous. Love Naz’mir, low Krag’wa and never ever in WoW sights were so spectacular. Love it.
  • Professions - Complete failure, even Legion had better profession system. Just not worth the time investment.
  • Gearing - was fun the first two weeks into xpac untill they released Uldir and first “catch up” in the xpac. Yep, first catch-up month into the new xpac… Cuz, yeah.
    Whole Catch-up systems gone out of hand in this expansion, making character progression obselote for the mostpart unless you want to push yourself on artificial ilvl numbers which gonna be of no revelance in 2 months when everyone will be given same level gear on an afk instanced content or world quest.
  • Reputations - Locked behind World Quests, which are timed. You can do as many of them as are available, so no real way to farm reps. Not to mention they are repetetive af, esspecially Champions of Azeroth or Tortolian ones.
  • Class Design - It’s just shallow Legion pruned husks of the class, minus all the perks that Artifact traits brought. So all the classes are just a 2-3 button masz-up arcade mini-games (with exception of Arcane Mage, where you have to press creazy 1 button), and all unlockable Azerite Traits are mostly passives and to unlock them you have to run crapload of afk instanced content. Seriously…

BfA is just a bunch of failed ideas of older expansions, minus the ideas that worked in the past.
The story part is fun, but soon you’ll hit the time-gating monster. And once you do you’ll notice that there is nothing worthwhile nor fun to do that would justify the timed monthly sub.

It’s way more efficient to just un-sub, and return in the last patch of the xpac to experience whole thing for far less $$.

There will be those like my guildies that say “you’re missing one hell of a raid tier” and I will say fair enough - but on the same time I am having a blast in Apex and DMC 5 just dropped so no… I am having my share of entertainment elswere.


Nehh, BfA is just continuing on the same garbage that Legion offered.

TF rng fiesta (with the added RNG of whether you get good legs or not), pruned boring class design, awful AP grind, flying gated behind mind numbing chores etc.


No. Not in the slightest.