Is BG a good way to start and learn healing in PvP

I want to clarify I have some basic experience with rotations in normal levelling dungeons, I played hpal, hpriest and resto shammy so far. Is BG (be it rated or random/epic) a good way to get introduced in PVP healing. Also a side question how does a healer target and heal so many people in BG. Thanks a lot in advance!

I’d say so.
Start with Epics, move onto Randoms & Rated when you’re comfortable.

Raid frames & mouseover macros.
As for specifics, I think that’s a question for one of our Paladin comrades…


It should be. But it is not. There is no place for people who want to learn/improve/chill in PvP anymore. Random bgs are full of sick tryhard premades and their engineering/consumable sh.ts. I recommend you to only play blitz while learning, at least you will be with players at your level.


Bgs is how i started so i say it’s a good thing.

U can try epic bgs and normal to but it’s 80% premade so maybe u shoud not,

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Best way to learn is by doing. I also recently started healing for the first time and started with just 2 or 3 bgs but I wouldnt say its necessary at all (for me it was mostly to get used to new keybinds since i swapped from ele to resto for first time but you shouldnt have that issue from the sounds of it). Take the time to make sure your UI and addons are set up properly and you understand whats going on with them thats the most important thing.

Once thats done I would just jump into arena skirmish mode, thats what its for after all. Once your reasonably comfortable can then jump into shuffle. You might lose a lot early on but who cares your learning, ignore toxic people blaming you it will happen. On the plus side as a healer you’ll get near instant shuffle queues all the time so you will learn pretty quickly.

Rated 2v2 is also a good way to learn as its much slower paced than 3s and its very easy to get a decent dps in lfg as a healer even if you dont have exp or titles etc.

Gear yourself in Epic BGs as you’ll get quite a lot of honor even if you loose and it matters less that you have crappy gear (out of 40 people). Don’t take epic bg too seriously tho unless that’s what you want to focus on.
As others pointed out, learn by doing. Experiment with talents, stats, how and what to do in certain situtations. Knowing what other classes are capable of are also important, as well as tracking/recognizing important CDs from both enemies and allies.
In the end it it depends what you wanna “main”: random/rated bgs? Solo shuffle? arenas?..then keep playing that and you’ll improve.
There are also guides that you can look up if you’re lost.

You can certainly learn basics in BG´s, the problem is that its going to flatline you quite hard due to how BG´s work compared to arena, there is no dampening so healers in bg´s can effortlessly survive things that shouldnt be possible etc, in alot of scenarios you´re also going to be left alone without preasure or CC to just freely do your thing but i think its a good place to start none the less due to how relaxed it is, once you´ve grasped the basics i´d suggest trying 2s out as its very slow phased n one dimensional compared to 3v3 but still opens up the window for you to do more things to impact the game as opposed to just purely healbotting.