Is Chromie male or female

Too busy finding someone who can actually help her live through that ordeal.


She needs to buff me better


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Now they’ll go cheese and say she’s a trans dragon.


This is from Heroes of the Storm dialogue, right? I feel like I heard it there!

She is female .

Unless you see male form to prove otherwise.

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Yeah, one of the poke quotes.

Dragons do whatever they want

Chromie is… adorable. :sun_with_face:


So it’s non canon. Blizzard even dropped support for HotS as an esport, which was the primary reason they made this game.

Chromie is actually a Bronze Dragon named Chronormu in disguise. She created a pocket-universe inside a room in a Inn inside of Andorhal to investigate the scourge for the Bronze Dragonflight. More info:

I’d say that clearly indicates she is female. :wink:


Its an attack helicopter :joy: but for real shes got a girls voice and wants to look like a gnome so a girl for sure ! I just dont get why she didnt go with the iconic pink double pigtails.

They dropped support for HotS as en esport because they cant compete with LoL and Dota. It came way too late. HotS encountered the exact same problem a bazillion of MMORPGs faced when entering the market.

Chromie is female.

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She’s known as a female bronze dragon. Even though her name is similar to male ones.

Consider her name something like Andy. Or Alex. Usable for both.

I’m going to start filling out official forms this way.

Gender: DRAGON


The echoing sound of her voice after trying to get that stupid transmog set back in Legion: “Haven’t we done this before?”, is still haunting me to this day and I can’t think of anything else when someone brings up Chromie.

Well since Chromie is actually Sargeras in disguise, I’d say he’s male.

That being said, he’s obviously trying to trick people into thinking that he’s female, so that he can inevitably pull the sword out of Azeroth, only to travel back in time and stick it inside her again.

It’s some weird mating ritual between titans, I’d assume.

Just don’t look under the hood.

The dragons have sex specific name endings. Considering that Chromie introduced herself as Chronormu, I guess that as a real dragon, Chronormu is a he, otherwise the name would ahd been Chronormi.
As a gnome form however, Chromie is a she. What else can I say but, its magic!

This is why magic is awesome. It allows the overturning of the boring rules of reality.

Dragon midget