Overpower with Dreadnought+Battlelord is doing far better AOE damage (especially with sweeping strikes active).
You can’t even spam it like Whirlwind due to cooldown (even thought it cost 20 rage instead of 40).
So how it should be used?
The main reason you would use cleave is to do damage and to apply deep wounds in AoE situations.
While on two to three targets, overpower is superior during sweeping strikes with Mortal strike. On above 4 and especially when sweeping is offline, you will want to use cleave for maximum damage potential. Do remember that cleave consumes Martial Prowess (the you do 30% more damage with cleave/mortalstrike buff) from doing overpower.
If you got Storm of Swords you also want to use Whirlwind. If you do not, avoid that button. Just use Ignore Pain as your emergency rage-dump instead.
How to multitarget outside of burst window:
Blood and thunder; Thunderclap for Rend spread, then you want to use cleave for damage and deep wounds uptime, then you want to bladestorm, then if bladestorm is not ready, you use sweepingstrikes and overpower in between cleaves if above 4 targets.
So basically: Thunderclap, cleave, bladestorm, cleave, overpower, cleave, thunderclap, cleave, overpower, cleave. And so on.
Hope that answered your question and will see you use cleave a lot more and when/how to use it.
Cleave is literally your most important filler for AoE…
You should be cleaving every other GCD unless you’re bladestorming.
it replaces MS when AoEing. Though, does SS replicate Cleave’s damage?
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