Is DH really that bad? (PvP)

I’m leveling a DH, mained him back in BFA and Shadowlands. Loved play style, mobility, etc.

I’m not a glad player, I don’t normally do arena too much but I love BGs, love open world content PvP, is it really that bad? I’m asking as a casual to people who actually PvP on this class.

I currently have a paladin, leveling a Hunter now, should I go stick with Hunter alt or DH? Help me out boys.

If you want to play casually, then just play what you like. If you really want to play for higher ranks, DH is not a very good choice at the moment. You will have a lot of problems along the way. Even in PvE, at some point people don’t want to recruit DH to their team at all.

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For bgs and outdoor DH is not that bad, escpecially with aldrachi reaver and healing with souls. The only problems are ferals and rogues who literally kill you in 4 sec stun.

On arena dh is garbage, damage output is horrible.

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