Is Disc feasible for damage? I find priests weird

Can you explain this? I find priest the weirdest class lore-wise since they opened all specs, because of the severe clash of themes between light and shadow.
If one doesn’t want to play this clash, is there a feasible way to play damage dealer without shadow magic? Or at least mostly without it?
I looked at the Disc talents and it looks like if you refrain from using the shadow abilities accessible there, you are gimping yourself and are basically just a healer with the rudimentary damage abilities any healer has.
But is it even a feasible DD if you use Disc to its maximum? Or is Shadow the only ‘proper’ DD spec?

Disc and holy are healers, shadow is a DPS. You can’t feasibly DPS with disc outside of open world.

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Yea, for RP purpose the highest DPS would be holy, with smite and holy fire spam. But for sure nothing competitive.

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Oh, I wouldn’t have thought Holy is actually more potent damage than Disc, but I guess it makes sense if the focus is not just on healing but on the damage type.

Again, I find it a very problematic class lore-wise. A fully holy-based damage dealer spec would have been interesting, and the shadow magic could have been moved into a new class, or if that is too much change, add or change a spec for fully holy damage.

One thing about holy which I forgot, is that you have shadow world pain as the main dot… So if you don’t want to use it, you lose quite a lote of DPS.

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Hitting 20-30k dps when the pvp bonus kicks in with holy. Get a good divine image proc as well. Most of the time 10-20k. Not anyhere close to a SP with the right gear and talents, you can hit > 60k dps.

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