Is dwarf rogue viable?

I like dwarfs and i want level a rogue alter, but seems that human racial is overpower, so dwarf rogue is good?

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Every race is viable. Racials don’t matter for most people and are highly overrated.

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Yes, they’re pretty decent in pvp too. Especially against other rogues/feral druids.
But you won’t see a massive difference in a human rogue compared to a dwarf rogue on the damage meter, if any at all.

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if you play casual everything is viable, if you are a hardcore min/max then i idk.

Of course it is.

As someone already mentioned racial skills are so overrated, its not going to make a class/race combination unplayable

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keep in mind double trinket doesn’t actually kick in until ICC (assuming pvp). being dwarf isnt going to stop you from raiding 25m hc weekly.

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