Is healing always so stressful in MM?

What the hell is MM?

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It’s easy enough to avoid if you communicate with your group :wink:

It does require some common sense though by players too, not standing on someone when you have the buff and are waiting to be dispelled. Usually we only have trouble if we pug :smile:

Yes with communication its not a problem, but thats probably not the norm in m0 pugs. I did a siege this week where we were only 3 on voice, so i dispelled them when they told me they are safe, and the other 2 i just ended up force healing it instead unless i saw they were safe or the ppl on voice said that they were safe.

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2 ppl get it at the same time, so dispell one and the other u have to heal until dispell is off cd. If u have 3 at same time u have fallen behind on dispelling, it happens when u get stressed, i’ve been there many times. Just keep practicing :slight_smile:

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