Hello all,
I’ve been leveling a Shaman and healing in dungeons from lvls 20-90 and then switched to Elemental to level and occasionally heal when needed. In these levels I found healing as a Resto quite satisfying, I could do respectable DPS in the meantime and rarely felt overwhelmed.
However I wanted to try M0 as healer because I did a Shaman to heal in the first place, and here I go SoB at ± 435 ilvl with 2 Resto azerite gears, and holy crap was it stressful. I felt like I had to constantly save people on the verge of death with my “emergency heal” that is Healing Surge that heals 10% and on the last boss we just died all the time for reasons unknown to me, we just took massive amounts of damage and I couldn’t keep up with all my spells.
So I’m not going to blame anything else than myself for this failure as I’m no expert healer, and I still don’t quite understand the mechanics of Viq’Goth beyond “kill tentacles”, but is healing always so tedious ? Surgeons in trauma operations probably feel like I did in this dungeon.
I’d really like to be able to play a healer class but I’m disheartened by the sudden jump in difficulty of healing in Resto while it was a breeze earlier. Also feel like my toolkit is too complicated for me with these 20 totems I barely have bar space for. Should I try a simpler class to learn heal with ? I mainly do M+ and PvP, never raids. Would love to play a Priest, anyone have insight about this class ?
Thanks and sorry for the wall of text but I like to be precise !