Hi guys,
Do you recommwend hellcaller destro in pvp and pve rn? Do you think its fun and decently strong?
Lmk guys! Cheers
Hi guys,
Do you recommwend hellcaller destro in pvp and pve rn? Do you think its fun and decently strong?
Lmk guys! Cheers
I will write this as non destro warlock. Hellcaster was more fluid and efficient that diabolist, and I was manage to do more damage in PvP. But there is a big issue with Hellcaster, like many other abilities that is bugged right now and not work with Soul leech, hellcaster suffers the most, because your main spell in Hellcaster - wither, doesn’t give you shields via Soul leech. And this is an issue because Wither is usually a top 3 in my overall damage
hi, despite the bugs that have been clarified for you regarding the soul leech, I personally prefer to play Hellcaller Destruction in PvP. Although I don’t like the Hellcaller theme at all, which is definitely more suited to a Dot spec and has no emphasis on the big direct damage typical of destruction, I prefer it because the immolate instant is decisive.
Many Destruction synergies revolve around the application of immolate on one or more targets: shard regeneration, haste above 80% health target, greater damage than incinerate and chaos bolt. Plus Malevolence is still a one-minute CD which increases the haste.
Diabolist can probably be good in bg and epic bg because you are not obsessively focused like in arena, but in any case thematically I don’t even like this for Destruction as a pit lord should not be summonable by a non-Demonology warlock.
To answer your question: yes it is fun enough for my tastes thanks almost exclusively to being able to have freedom of movement and instant application of the Immolate. And yes, is pretty strong
Diabolist has one serious advantage over Hellcaster - Annihilan’s bellow - talent that reduces CD of Howl of Terror and increases it’s range. In double melee situation that thing could save your life more than HS or Empowered dark pact from Soul Harvester.
When it comes to PvE none of the warlock specs are fun. I played this main since Wotlk and want to swap it to spriest because it’s depressing to play it. Especially in the raid where most of the fights are movement heavy and we are designed to be stationary turrets. Blizz will probably either buff locks significantly or rework their talents but right now class is a mess.
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