Is heritage armor still coming or nah?

Blizzard said they’d release it in the x.0.5 patches, but since 9.1.5 didn’t have any and 9.0.5 doesn’t have an announcement regarding it either, is it safe to say that they dropped it entirely?

No heritage armor for the remaining races?


Are we going backwards now?.. Also I doubt anyone can answer you that.

Might still come. There isnt a real announcement for 9.1.5 yet anyway. One can assume tho that they are trying to soften our rage and as such throw goodies at us that people were rampaging for a while now like customization options for Lightforged Draenei and Nightborne and the ears for Velfs.


I’m still looking forward to more heritage gear. Especially if I don’t have to level a new character to get it.


Not impossible now with the upcoming added customizations.
If they continue with this style of damage control we might actually see quite a bunch of heavily requested stuff added.

I’m still furious as Draenei were introduced in TBC as were Blood Elves. They’ve got their armour yet we’re still waiting and waiting and …


You are literally interstellar fugitives who fled with basically only the clothes you wore and don’t even have a proper city or place to call your own. Should be a while before you have the surplus to focus on fashion…


Weird take.

If you take it literally then yes…

Need troll heritage armor tbh.

Yes, very true … but I’m sure our people could cobble together something if given the chance. All we want is a chance to be like other races …


That’s a poor take (the fugitive one).

The Draenei have built themselves into a stable position very quickly, so much so they were deploying vindicator regiments (fully outfitted and armoured) to the Northrend campaign. The idea they “haven’t had time to focus on their clothing” due to being refugees is laughable. The Draenei are in their nature a very resourceful race adept at working with natural metals and minerals to craft things. Pretty sure if they can outfit military regiments with full armour just over a year of joining the alliance, they can design a heritage armour.

And yes it was their armour they wore, as it was distinctively non-alliance in style and this is acknowledged by the alliance captain in the keep as part of them perhaps appearing “too exotic” for the common conscripts they have. You have all the alliance troops there wearing generic alliance footman gear and the Draenei regiments are wearing gear that looks like the Justicar Paladin set (which is themed on Draenei).

The Draenei didn’t “flee with their clothes on their backs” they had a Naaru dimensional fortress chock full of precious metal and minerals. I mean they built a functional freaking spaceship from the resources in the Exodar (the Vindicaar) so the idea they didn’t figure out how to build clothes or have time for it is just….nonsense, which is utterly contradicted by the presence of the Draenei in the game and how they appear.

The only reason the Exodar still appears derelict is blizzards laziness. I mean the argument goes both ways really. The Belf STILL haven’t tidied up Silvermoon and own “a bit of a city” if we go by the game representation. Clearly this isn’t true as Belf are described as one of the more prominent powers in the Horde, yet according to the game they still struggle to keep their city in order from nuisance undead on their borders.
Beyond a point we have to concede that what the game shows us and what is the case isn’t necessarily the same.

As far as alliance races go, I’d say the Draenei are probably more stable and settled in terms of resources than both Night Elf and Worgen atm. I mean Worgen did literally flee their home last minute due to it being nuked with plague, yet nobody has contested that somehow this made it impossible for them to come to a heritage set; despite the fact that unlike the Draenei the Worgen do not have a formal base of operations or territory, nor access to rich deposits of resources nor show a predilection for crafting and construction.


Night Elves deserve the very best of everything, and it’s a crime they don’t have heritage armor!


Still waiting on Orc Heritage Armor.


I think it’s coming. What was announced is just some customization. I’m sure it will be part of the main announcement post. Hopefully Draenei & Trolls or Pandaren (A&H) this time. Human, Orc, Night Elf and Forsaken will get their eventually (I’m sure), but I think they should be left for the last rounds since warfront armor is basically race themed.

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It’s looking more like an abandoned idea from BFA never to be picked up again.

Same for no more allied races, which is another BFA thing.

Systems and plans from old expansions rarely carry over into the next.

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None in 9.1.5, what a shame.

Such a shame, honestly. Give us draenei heritage…

Oh yeah it will come.

In 10.0 :roll_eyes:

I think the NE heritage is probably their biggest headache, part of the playerbase want the iconic looks of the original trailer and traditional portrayed armour set and Blizz seem to have become more and more prudish over the years moving away from skimpy armour sets.


Still from original trailer

Yet the NPCs did get the traditional look when they were used to do the decoy invasion in Nazmir.