Is intentionnal key deplete is punished?

nope your key got bricked and the tank decided to fake dc not a lot you can do about it.

maybe they will penalise you with their new score system their adding if you leave a dungeon, idk.

I shall respond to you in qoutes for the first part.


And nothing will happen because it wasnt spam. But if you do that with everyone like that then your reports are already in the “safe to ignore” folder for blizzard anyway given how the system works. Now your responses are actually amusing me so please go on (edit, or actually dont as that is now derailing. The very thing you deemed “reportable”. Oh the irony)

Nope,and the majority of players here will blame you as group leader for it. Seems you can’t expect to do m+ with randoms unless you do a bloodpact and 4 rounds of Blackrock crackle dust.

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