Is intentionnal key deplete is punished?


i have run only 2 key this week, and my first key happen good and timed.

however the 2nd key the tank started to charge the 1st pack ok, but the 2nd pack he started to pull mass, the group die due to that and disconnected and never log back.

that only on the 1st 2 mn of the keystone.

So i was wondering if they were a way to get back my key or is that can be punished ?

nope, you can try again with the new key you should have gotten after failing the run.

Stop posting stuff that breaks the forum maybe?

Yeah Blizzard wont “do anything” cause its player to player interaction and its not automated LFG. They should honestly implement something…every game has some form of punishment for griefing players, what makes WoW any different by this point.


As was stated no you cant get your key back but have to use the new one after it depleted. And no that guy despite being a beep as it sounds like wont be punished because you invited him to your group and as such accepted the risk.

The only way to avoid this is to always go into a key with people you know. Or join others keys.

You are responsible for the people you invite into the group you create. This is why your key depletes. If you don’t like it - don’t pug. Instead, join a community or a guild, form a dungeon running team. I wish a day would go without someone complaining about pugs being what they are.

PS: Your thread is the reason why the dungeon finder, LFD and LFR need to be removed.

Always invite people you checked on rio
and by that i mean look if he did the key already and what affixes and how many times.
Another thing you can do is to invite people with rio similar to yours
and one more thing you can do and that is the best way
find Guild and play with them the wow is a completely different game when you play with people on DC

it was people issue here, not the queue issue

No i think it wouldn’t be that much an issue if we got a different systems for M+

In my opinion M+ systems need a rework

Like you have done a X key completed of that Y dungeon, you can do X+1 level of that Y dungeon

You have done a X key completed in +2 in Z dungeon, you can do X+2 level of that Y dungeon

That how in my opinion M+ should be , so if you didn’t maked it in time yo have at least learn something and you can redo it after the key have failed.

You can’t read how people intend to behave or are planning to behave 90% of the time until its too late and the damage is done, even if you warn them its just for weekly and wont be timed they will be the very same way about it.

If they just randomly up and leave, sorry not sorry. Idk what kind of super natural powers you have to filter out bad eggs so consistently when not with a community/guild run but I’m pretty sure no human harnesses that power.

Thats why this needs to see action, if competitive games can punish players for manipulating a match, then I’m fairly sure Blizzard can punish players for manipulating the out-come / inability to finish a keystone.

We have this discussed to death in so many threads at this point. No suggested system would work even in the slightest. And it all boils down to queue with guildies or friends.

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You’re refusing to look at the bigger picture though, thats why. You can’t just out-right say it won’t work if you wont let it stew in the water and see if it bites. It could even just be a temp or beta test, on live servers of course to see if it minimises the collateral damage of people skewering other player’s keystones cause they just “can”. Could even just be the case of doing it for 1-2 weeks some stage.

And its the current mentality with is harbouring and enabling such thug/scummy behaviour to begin with. Cause they can just like in LFG/LFD how they can manipulate / majority vote kick people from groups. People should learn to adapt and get accustomed to the fact that screwing other people over is no bueno, after all Blizzard have the logs to practically everything which takes place in the dungeon more or less to atleast work out who the crook is in the run.

<.< ye sure whatever buddy.

We have this discussed to death. If it were that simple we would advocate it.

Point stands that m+ is designed for premades, not pugs. And then theres the thing that people also run it for score, so if your run is going to fail they might already yeet. Or if the score is lower than their current one. Etc.

Also i cba to repeat all the other threads.

Why are you asking question about something that you are well familiar with ,and in fact you given answers to other people whom asked this very same question.

I never asked myself this question before and i did not know the answer.

1st time i got someone who have done that. before i never questionned myself :man_shrugging:

I am a PvP player, PvE is not kinda my thing :man_shrugging:

?? Punishing people that intentionally deplete keys works just fine, ya’ll just don’t want that I guess lol.

There’s literally been a guy joining M+ consistently and as soon as key starts, posts a macro in party chat about being wronged and how he’s wronging them by leaving as a result. Been at it for months, no action. It’s really not that hard to be able to punish such people, really.

and before you go “there’s no way GMs could do that/have the manpower to do that” Uhh I think they definitely can when they had to read and chat with players for every ticket when the game had 7-12mil active players just fine, and that was before microtransactions were ever added to the game so there’s no money issue there and it would solve the issue of depleted keys and people abusing vote kick.


Then I guess you shouldn’t have posted in this thread, let alone that which just constitutes as spam to avoid the char limit…

Given the original question was about if he could get his key back or if its a punishable offense and not whether a system should be implemented and how im afraid you havent paid much attention

Youre free to report. However a mod would at best dismiss your report and shake his head given its the systems fault i cant just qoute myself use that if i cba to repeat myself. I could have removed the qoute option and posted the sentence in itself. Stop boring me with your “comebacks”.

I have, I exposed your failure of a thought in 10 seconds because there’s at least 1 system that would work. :3

Don’t you worry, I always do when I see something that breaks the rules whether the person that’s doing it thinks they’re in the clear or not.

Removal of the dungeon finder would push people into guilds and communities. It won’t completely fix pugging but it will push people away from it. As you said - it is a people issue. This is true. The issue is pugging, it’s puggers as a whole. Individually, there’s many great ones, but as a group… oof. It’s simply not fun.