Is it about time Glass Cannon (Fire Mage) gets changed?

Glass Cannon is a problematic talent. Under no circumstances should you play without Glass Cannon. Without it your damage just isn’t competetive. Glass Cannon is a locked-in talent you don’t spec out of. At the same time you get -20% hp, on top of already being the class with the lowest health in the game, and with no stamina % increasing talents. Entire season 2, Firemages were playing with 475k HP. Not that fun.

At the same time, i realize that under specific conditions, and if you’re allowed to max range with Flame Cannon at 55 yards and pump damage all game (which you never are except in BG’s, but still) Fireball and Ignite does too much damage during Combustion.

I’d really rather the base damage of Fire get buffed, the talent get removed and something else added that doesn’t buff Ignite and Fireball damage to ridiculous levels and let the Mage have a sane health pool actually


that’s not true

regardless, remove glass cannon yes pls

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John Blizzard walking into the office with an idea - “lets add a talent that increases fireball and ignite damage by 100%.”

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