Is it easier getting rating in us?

I’m seeing so many weird double dps comps in high rating in streams when its from US. Arcane mage + destro, ret pala + frost etc.

yes, way easier.

Are there just more people or do they just suck more? :smiley:

As far as I know, they just don’t strictly play the meta and try out unusual stuff in the NA for fun. Imagine pushing 2v2s without meeting a single demon hunter-x comp on your way… it would for sure be easier, even if the remaining players have comparable skill levels to the ones you’d see on the EU side at a similar rating.

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US lower end of the ladder is much easier than EU, but the higher you climb the more it equalizes.

Out of curiosity, what is the point where you’d say it equalises? 1.8? 2.1? 2.4?

There is a ton of terrible player within 2k4+ and even higher in us, we all can see that in stream.

It think it’s because there is more people playing and a bunch of comp, even spec we don’t see often in eu which makes way more easier to climb.

I remember in s2 someone speaking about a uh dk in his guild, he didn’t have any clue about the game and clicking spells like stun/kick etc… And he got 2k and the guy said it was disgusting xD


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