Is it ok to talk about Archaeology now? Has the wounds healed on your digging hands?

Greetings earthlings!

Anyone remember this cool profession with all the must have pre-bis items !

Now that Cata has been out for a while, I have been wondering how people, who spent extreme amounts of time such as 8+ hours daily for weeks feel about how they behaved?

In retrospect have you thought about it, decided it wasn’t a sensible course of action to take or have you guys stuck it in a box at the back of your mind and are pretending you didn’t do it…and will do something similar in the future?

I found all the Archaeology “gold” rush was pretty funny at the time in some ways, but I guess people with low self control/addictive personalities and similar couldn’t stop themselves which is a shame.

I wonder now cata is “dead” how many of these players are still playing

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I don’t regret not doing archaelogy, that much I can say.

I still got level 85 in week 1, cleared all raids first week and was parsing purple and beyond from the get go in my blue dungeon gear. Granted, I’m a healer main this expansion so parses are pretty kekw for us healers anyway. But still.

It’s mind boggling to me that quite a few people spent their entire pre-patch farming that stupid profession, complaining and hating every second of it. Just to clear the raids two or three times, parse purple like everyone else, and then quit the game for the next big thing. Sometimes I question myself if these people even enjoy playing games, or what their purpose really is?

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Im still traumatized by it and it completely ruined the late spring and summer for me! I lost months of my life that I will never get back and I feel ashamed over it!

I never got the sword neither the staff. But a couple toys and a shield was ok tho. In retrospect im full of regret, agony and disdain over what I did to myself over virtual purple pixels and im in the process of trying to forgive myself so i can start to heal!


55 more fossil for the mount. got the spell chest from NE really fast, but i don’t have a caster to use it. still digging through troll for the sword

Unless you were a serious contender for “world first” it was totally pointless to sweat over the epic gear.

Spent 150-200hrs game time digging. It was really fun and exciting at first but after 50-60 hours super frustrating. I really wanted Zin’Rok as I farmed it back in 2010/2011 but never got it, I was like 14 years old back then.

I had around 700 troll solves at Archaelogy level 450 and finally got it. Was super good feeling as I proved to myself I could get it with hard work + determination. It is complete bullcrap how there was no RNG protection behind the items though, some lucky people get it with no effort where some people farm it for days of playtime with no results. I calculated you had a 93% chance to get it with 1000 solves so most should get it in 100-200 hours playtime.

It was definitely worth that time investment though as I used it on my Paladin for around a month, my Warrior ALT for 2 weeks and now I am using it my DK for around a week now. Probably in total its something around 150 hours using it as my main weapon. It has insane value if you plan on having any alts that can use it. If you just play 1 character then the grind probably isn’t worth.

Now about the weapon. Its 3.8 speed and has equal stats to normal mode Reclaimed Ashkandi. Since these weapons are 0.2 slower than the mace and axe from the raid which are 3.6, they work out equivelent to about 8 item levels higher for Ret Pala and 11 item levels higher for Arms Warrior. So if you get this weapon its equivelent to a item level 367-369 3.6 speed weapon even though its 359. Basically this is the 4th best weapon in the game until you get HC Reclaimed Ashkandi. If you get the HC Axe or Mace its barely an upgrade from Zin’Rok, I barely noticed a difference in DPS when I replaced it with the HC mace.

I only noticed a huge DPS difference when I got HC Reclaimed Ashkandi. This shows you how good Zin’Rok actually is. The staff, sword and shield are meh, trinkets decent but Zin’Rok was worth the crap farm if you are gonna use it on 2-3 Characters or more. It really helps you get your alts in HCs faster without having to spend too much gold as well. Thought I would counter some of the negativity here with a positive story from it and showing why I can be a good thing, especially if you get lucky. Zin’Rok is pretty busted ngl.

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I was one of those people doing the 8+ hour daily digging sessions. But i don’t hate that i did, at the time there wasn’t much else to do so it was fun just being in the game chatting with the guild.

I ended up fully finishing every solve, and made use of the BOAs on several chars, still using zinrok on one of my chars that I don’t raid with.

I didn’t quite spend those levels of hours but it took me over 500 solves to get the healer trinket and it’s been really worthwhile ever since. Used it on 3 different characters and it’s still on one.

Despite the grind it was time well spent.

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It was kinda fun for a while tbh, the first days were pretty hyped, you were expecting any time someone to yell at guild chat when a weapon appears.

I got the staff at 850 dwarf solves. Also got the sword with 90 troll solves which I didn’t even use yet lul.

Anyway at some point it became a chore but at the same time I didn’t wanna quit after spending so much time… Even having 3 casters, I dont think it was worth the effort and mental dedication tho.

I spent a couple hours digging in pre-patch just to get the profession to max level, never cared about any of the items I just need all my professions to be maxed or else I can’t play my character

Shame? They enjoyed the game the most and went on to other hyped games after. Guess what? They spent their time on those game just like this one as well and got the best feeling there as well. Gaming has changed you should adapt or quit.

That certainly didn’t seem like the case in my guild chat while people did the grind, lol.

not talking about the process I am talking about when they got their items.