Another edit and reorganization of this topic:
I’m trying to make Rogue opener macro that would close the loot window immediately rather than after attacking the target with opener or after taking items in case I enable auto loot.
Reason for that is that I don’t like the loot window to open under mouse cursor during combat.
I still use the Pick Pocket outside of combat normally if there is multiple hostile NPCs stacked together, otherwise I prefer to use Pick Pocket together with Ambush, and take the items after.
To my knowledge, you can instantly confirm action with /click StaticPopup1Button1
command, and after learning about /fstack
and /script print(GetMouseFocus():GetName())
I’ve managed to get the name of loot window close button UI frame, and while typing /click LootFrameCloseButton
in chat does close the loot window, adding this command to macro does not work, thus I’m back to square one.
Only workaround I could figure out so far is to use /run SetCVar("lootUnderMouse", 0); C_Timer.After(1, function() SetCVar("lootUnderMouse", 1) end)
in order to disable the loot window to open under mouse temporarily, since default position is on the edge of the screen where it does not bother me if being displayed during combat.
Shall I assume that Blizzard simply does not allow such action as closing loot window via macro command or script, and thus the action will always get blocked no matter what I’ll try?
If there’s anyone with more knowledge about this, I would really appreciate some info.