You guys think they will revert the Fury Warrior AoE burst nerfs? Surely they will. Our burst is outdone by everyone and anyone nowdays, so I think it is time. I believe the devs think so and agree as well. Raid is well done and over with, time to let Fury do some AoE dam in M+ too.
You don’t think so? Oh well, I chose to believe in Steve
Maybe we get a neat 51% Odyn’s Fury damage buff - so that Odyn’s isn’t a overall DPS loss and is impactful again.
Would be neat Surely we are not back to Dragonflight tuning again, this time will be different. TWW will be different.
Great thing is, you could probably buff it by that much as in M+ that would only mean a 4-5% DPS increase, that is the same as half the DPS gap between Slayer Fury and the real DPS in M+. Isn’t that cool?
I believe that Fury Slayer will get to spin to win again, that the spec will get to actually do some damage - I believe, because I chose to - I have no other choice than to hold on to that dream