Is it time to make all old dungeons available at level 10?

You will get diremaul west wing and you will like it!

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Yes exaclty this just put me in where im needed and save me the 5 min because my expansion era doesnt need a healer atm but another one does

That’s another good point!

Seeing how all quests can now be picked up at the entrance it’s baffling how Blizzard made LFG dungeons be stuck to the expansion you chose to level in…

The way I would have liked to see dungeon queuing:

Every expansion but the latest get tossed into one queue system, you can opt out of 1 or 2 expansions.

As to the: “But people want to do story!” Well, you’d still be able to queue up for individual dungeons.

And it’s such a good xp bonus to do those quests.

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Best. Dungeon. Ever. Even after all these years I still remember that nail biting moment on the last wall phase with Arthas marching towards you obliterating players behind him as I’m smashing every single ability cooldown or not to get that last wall down.

I would so love to see a TW version but sadly it will be scaled to be a quick l;oot grab.

Or Freehold.

skip skip run jump skip run jump jump skip run (kick the slow player) skip jump run run skip run

said this before and I’ll say it again. If something can be skipped then it shouldn’t be there in the first place.

So far i hit level 10 and put my self in TBC era and keep que as dps since i like also do quests on the side like Mop Starting quests are super fun till i don’t reach the point i wanna stop questing. Than i simple swap to WOD and finish gongrond and if i’m playing alliance i do start doing bfa quest cause aliance bfa zones are much more fun :slight_smile:

Sorry horde :slight_smile:

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