Is it time to make all old dungeons available at level 10?

Participation in old expansion queues can be pretty low. And if you try to queue for a dungeon that’s only available from level 25 you can wait for hours without end because people will just be snatched into a lower level dungeon. So instead of only utilizing maybe 20-25% of each expansion’s dungeons most of the time, people should just have access to all the dungeons from level 10.

It’s happening with newer expansions anyway (Legion and onwards), and it would also seem to solve the bug that makes level 51+ only access level 10 dungeons that Blizzard seems to be unable to fix.


If you que for random it should be just that i agree everything chromie should be queable at same time.

You have my seal of approval

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So annoying playing the same few, selected by Blizzard, dungeons over and over again.


I would far prefer to be able to queue up to all rather than having to pick an expansion era.


It would be great.

But then I would also like an option to skip 2 or 3 that I really don’t want to do.

We used to be able to blacklist 1 or 2 battlegrounds for queueing random bgs - would be nice to implement that in this case.


old hillsbrad foothills in tbc timeline :skull:

Nah Hillsbrad is fine, it’s the Black Morass that I would avoid at all costs.

Black Morass, Occulus, Violet Hold spring to mind.

hillsbrad gives me anxiety every time and takes too damn long but yeah black morass is boring too

Thrall needs to stop cheaping out with his riding speed!

Halls of Reflection also has a wave encounter but I’ve never actually done it in a group of appropriately leveled characters (hence the OP) so I don’t know how bad it really is.

Very good point

Wrath really didn’t do well with Dungeons :rofl:

Is Trial of the Champion considered good or bad? It has a gimmicky joust fight if I’m not mistaken (which was a pain to solo) but otherwise is just a boss attack dungeon with no trash.

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I used to solo that by just foregoing the mounted part and beating them all to death. Long time ago since I had to farm it though.

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That ones fine black morass on the other hand :face_vomiting:

And lets not forget 2 versions of Violet Hold :smiley:

Wrath version is ok

Yeah its better than Legions :slight_smile: