Is it too late to participate in the 20th WoW Birthday?

Ok, thanks. :grinning:

I will see what I do, got the six crates achievement already.

I hadnt bought any sets till the other day. I was able to buy 10 and ive barely played during the anniversary. Should be able to get the last 3 before the event ends

Should take you long at all. Siren isles is giving loads of tokens now too. I have every set and I haven’t even tried.

Edit: Hope you are feeling better now you are up and about out of bed. :+1:

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Detective title is tied to the Anniversary. There’s no time gating to it now, you can go get it along with the Secrets of Azeroth’s Felcycle right away, which isn’t tied to the Anniversary BUT requires the Detective title from it.

Just do it with a Mage, unless you enjoy idling via flight paths and teleport CDs that drastically makes it take a LOT longer.

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Mage, that’s a good idea. Got one hanging around. :grinning:

I’m Detective Shanay now.
Did: I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats

But I wonder: did anyone do that questline without looking at wowhead? Some of the ‘clues’ are so vague and even misleading. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Nah, I did most of it following ConCon’s guides on Youtube. :partying_face: still had fun.

Done it with ConCon’s guides too
Like the Orbs
Simple and awesome guides

I just sat and copied and pasted every single TomTom command…

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I did the same eventually. :grinning:

So now I got everything I could for the Tokens, now I only need to farm Timewalk Badges so I can get more Reputationtokens

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