Is it too Late to play Dragonflight?

A short time after Dragonflight came out, I reached level 70 but left my progress there. What would the content experience be like if I picked up where I left off? I’m guessing there has been a lot of content added to the game since then. Is it possible to make sense of the story etc at this late stage?

Has there been any catch up systems put in place?

I’m not interested in buying the boost for this expansion.


At first? The amount of things to do could be a bit overwhelming, but planning out everything will allow you to experience most of it! While PVP, M+ and Raids are a bit of the same, World content and extra activities are way more than the previous expansions, so i’d reccommend starting there!

Aye! Some content is locked behind questlines (Wich when done, unlock the content for all alts). For Zaralek, you have to do the Forbidden reach. For the Emerald dream, you have to do Zaralek cavern etc…

There are, and varyous ones. The open world content that rewards gear sets it to 415 item level, wich is fairly good to begin gearing up!

This made me chuckle

It depends on where you were when you stopped playing and your ilvl and what you want to achieve before TWW, if getting ready for that is your aim.

But overall:

  • Zaralek Caverns was a new zone added
  • Emerald Dream was another new zone added and is currently the end zone in terms of story/gear
  • There is a Revival Catalyst which helps you obtain tier gear from non-tier items
  • You can also upgrade gear depending on what track it is on
  • There was also a quest added to reclaim Gilneas

Doing activities like world quests, daily/weekly quests and Dreamsurge activity will easily get you above 415 ilvl, which is a good starting point. All of the raids are now unlocked in LFR, so if you want to easily experience them, you can. Though the first two wings of the raid may have quite a long queue time as they aren’t played that often now. the final wing is relatively quick to queue for, especially close to the last weekly reset…

Possibly with the aid of an online guide.
In game once you’re 70 it just unlocks all the campaigns at once so you’re seeing Faction Campaigns (Like Dragonscale etc.), Forbidden Reach, Zaralek Caverns and Emerald Dream all open at once so it will be tricky to follow one story.

All the open world events like Time Rifts, Dream Surges, Reserachers under Fire or Superbloom are group events. You might find groups on Reset day or maybe Saturday.

Grouped content will be tricky to PUG if you’re not in a guild / Community. You won’t have score or gear or achievements.

I’ve just come back and in the same situation, it’s overwhelming like the others have said but after 10 hours I’ve got to ilvl 443 just from world content and quests. I would start with trying unlock the emerald dream zone as that will allow you to upgrade your gear easily. Then you can focus on leveling up your reputations by doing world events and quests for each faction, you gradually unlock more campaign quests by doing that but the problem is because I’ve done the emerald dream first, I’ve seen the end of the story and now I’m trying to fill in the rest of the story gaps with the rep grinds :see_no_evil:

Thanks for the replies and help.

I reached level 70 during the second zone of the expansion. As for instances and raids. I haven’t done any of these. Mythic dungeons aren’t my thing. The content I enjoy the most is questing and the storylines.

It can be overwhelming, but this is the only “moment” when all raids are relevant. So it’s actually better to skip until last season if you enjoy raiding.

Yep, there is still plenty to do and collect! Anything you do now (other than gearing for stats) is something not competing for your time when TWW comes out.

The new and last season starts this reset, so it’s perfect timing.