Will it be too late to start playing pvp in Cata ?
I saw well over half the server locked and set for free transfer leaving only 2 servers
Will it be too late to start playing pvp in Cata ?
I saw well over half the server locked and set for free transfer leaving only 2 servers
Yep. Super late.
You will never be able to catch up now ! Week… 4? Its almost end game time !?
late not at all just remember to do wintergrasp everytime it’s up
Far from it… pvp isn’t as gear dependent as soon as u get some base resilience.
Also pvp is at it’s peak in Cata… super balanced and a lot of fun. Even when you are rather casual you can still have fun and not only get stomped 24/7
They added a staggering Valor cap that increases every week.
If you play now your Valor cap is 6000 and you will be able to get near full 359 Epics when you ding level 85 and get your 3/4 Tier set piece.
A lot of off pieces are very easy to get with reputations and you can farn Exalted with all Reps when doing your Valor Cap grind with the Tabard.
By the time your Valor capped you will have nearly everything 359 Epic and all your off pieces 346 Blue Heroic and with this gear you can clear full 12/12 HC if you are a good player.
Most crappy SR PuGs manage to clear full 12/12 on normal and experienced GDKPs are already do 10-12/12 HC bosses. A lot of guilds are recruiting right now too.
Your only issue would be grinding a profession to max and getting gold for flying as these would be a bit time consuming but you could just honestly buy a WoW Token to get a head start and not worry about having to be stingy to save money for flying.
You honestly could be ready to Heroic Raid in less than a week if you played everyday and did everything optimally. 2 weeks if you take your time and enjoy it.
Its now currently the lowest amount of time historically to catch up it than it has ever been in Classic or I would say even Retail WoW.
If you are interested 100% give Cataclysm a try because you’ll never have it easier than it is now.
if you really consider pvp, your only option is Alliance. Horde is “nearly” dead for arenas, 95% of top 5000 is alliance.
It’s not late to start, since you’ll almost have the same gear as everyone else when you farm your conquest cap.
Biggest downside - there’s a lot of people with 372 weapons (from 2200 arena rating or PvE). Most likely you’ll be stuck with 359 for almost the whole season.
Next seasons PvE gear is gonna be huge, legendary staff and legendary daggers, BiS trinkets.
appreciate your honesty
I hope u aren’t sarcasm impaired
No you’re wrong, that from Dragon Soul raid, last patch. Prob next winter.
Gehennas is still good and alive as horde server, enough RBG/arena groups. You can get conquest point catchup of 16000 next week which can buy 3/4 set. And you can buy crafted honor set from the AH when u reach level 85, don’t waste time on getting full vendor honor gear. Just try some YOLO rbg and u will be capped quickly. I wouldn’t wait another 2/3 more weeks though, everybody is gonna have full conquest set then.
imagine playing cata instead of sod. hahah
I dont mind playing SOD but the 10 people that play SOD sleep during my game time so its just a solo server =(
Week 4 of cata, you have only 1 week before its too late to play MoP Classic.
Yes! Especially SoD pvp… who wouldn’t want to play a one-shot simulator that gets a new random Fotm every minor patch and is dictated by consumables
You and the 10 other guys playing it must be having so much fun you come to the Cata forums instead?
Dont have to imagine. logg on and see for yourself. something tells me thag people enjoy cata. seeing players everywhere, constant spam in LFG channels for both pvp and pve.
Not even close to late. You can join in Firelands or in Dragon soul & it’s not to late.
Majority havn’t even cleared normal yet, even less heroic version of the raids.
Theres bwd/Bot/totfw pug runs announced every day.
Theres soon a catch up dungeon coming giving 353ilvl gear.
Join the expan, have fun.
next “seasons”, a plural. Not sure about pve trinkets/gear in Firelands, but that caster staff is a huge diff
thank you just made my 1st toon. should I be Alliance or Horde
Depends on server really.
You can search “wow cataclysm server population”
And theres a website by Ironforge that shows the pop.
Gehennas is biggest horde, Firemaw biggest ally servers.
After that i’d say Golemagg & Pyrewood respectively.
It’s not 100% accurate, but it uses some metric to track player activity.