then i think you would be okay .most complaints and legtimate are about m+ but if you are not planning on going hard then you should be fine i think
Wow thanks for the detailed comment, It really helped a lot in understanding the current state of the game, especially if I am going to play as casual this time around.
It’s nice to hear about the hunter changes, I will probably go back to survival since I really enjoyed it. I am pretty sure It’s still viable in retail so I hope I’ll be fine
Mm rework look extremely fun and promising, I suggest look those too. I like the synergy they make with exploding shot and aimed its something fun to combo if wish and I like the overall changes on the pet becoming companion that puts condition on targets from our shots. Also having always access to bloodlust and usual pet utility at same time and multishot become baseline.
if you thinking of coming back , you have already decided too.
but i would consider certain things before coming back to WoW:
- time investment ( you would need to put in 20-30 hours a week initially for endgame content and LFG, to get gear and ratings etc)
- what type of content you want to play ( pve or pvp )
- expectations ( dont expect the same feelings you had in the past, the game is less immersive now and more competitive )
if you are ok with the 3 above, then sure play the game
TWW is pretty good if you’re either super casual or top 1-2% player. If you normally do WQs, LFR, maybe some very low keys, the content is fine. Delves are a nice addition as well. Same thing is if you’re a top player, as they always manage to do the hardest content regardless of how the game is.
However, if you’re in the middle of these two outliers. You’re maybe a heroic raider, trying to transition into mythic, or you’re doing keys in the +7-10 range (old +17-20), I don’t think it’s worth playing retail. You’re very likely to get stuck with your gearing and character progression with hero track gear, and there is a giant leap in difficulty to start getting myth track items from great vault. I fall into this category, and it’s also why I quit as soon as I got all the +10 keys done on time for the portals. Everyone else I play with quit as well for the same reason.
TL;DR: It’s only worth playing if you’re super casual or top 1-2% player, and so far it doesn’t look like season 2 is doing much to change that.
Oh that does sounds fun, but I usually prefer a more melee style of play so I hope survival will stay fun. If not I don’t mind switching to MM
True, I have come back but only on Classic atm.
Considering what you wrote, I think I can handle it. I like both pve and pvp but I don’t want the top spots or anything.
The feeling has changed a while back for me so I don’t expect much, I mostly enjoy the guild activity fun so I hope it would still be enjoyable
the problem with Retail
its a FIXED game, the endgame loop is the same each time
a few trip around this game loop burns people out often
while in the past expansions you had things to do outside of PVE and PVP, this time round there isnt many options, theres no garrison, theres no covenant, theres no optional Rep grinds, theres no events
its pretty basic, you raid, m+ or PvP
you wont be in the world content as often as you think.
One levels character 80 in a day and for pvp gears it max ilvl the next day and battleground blitz is extremely casual random rated end game content. This season had people with lifetime challenger for exp for example unlocking elite ranks for +2400 rating for just playing Blitz on the first weeks when participation were on its highest. I wouldnt call that too sweaty, pvp is as casual now and easy to jump into as it ever has been. Just give it a try and jump on there with bunch things that want to give a try and dont think too much of rating or else. And if one cares about ranks then next season one plays from start of season immediately when participation is highest and thats all there is to it.
This is pretty much what you are gonna get, asking that question here. WoW has always been a very polarized game, there are those who love it and those who hate it, people have different standards and expectations, and neither is conclusively right or wrong. Its a matter of personal taste. Only you can know where you stand, and the best way to find out is to decide wether you wanna give it a try or not, and find out for yourself.
So much negativity here. I mean for me personally - YES, a thousand procent yes. I enjoy the game but I only play maybe 1-3 hours a day depending on RL. But when I play I do alot, and effective. Ive gotten all healers to 2.5-2.6 now in m+, cleared hc, and working on pvp now and also thruout the expansion and season one ive been grinding the renowns so I got all the cosmetics.
What else could I ask for?
Tldr: Yes, its still one of the best mmos out there.
In my opinion it is worth it, Wow is in a much better place that it has been in recent years.
I play casually so not overly into mythic+ or Rated PvP, I usually just casual Epic BGs and do the odd profession and raid every now and then. The campaign for TWW was also good and the side quests had interesting storylines too.
I felt that wow lost a lot of its community and social interaction but i think this is steadily coming back. World PvP is also in a much better place.
My opinion only of course but I would recommend coming back and giving it a go before next season. I am glad I gave it a second chance.
We can’t answer if it’s worth coming back to for you.
I am enjoying WoW and I still play. We are in the tail end of S1. If you’ve played before you’ll be fully aware of how the seasons work. It’s an ideal time to return, level up and gear an alt. We are currently enjoying the Turbulant timeways so every week there is a quest for a hc level loot reward.
If you’ve not played this expansion at all you’ll have a huge amount of content to enjoy. The entire storyline through all the zones and the campaign itself. There are still plenty of pugs for M+ and Raids.
If you are planning on leveling alts now is the moment. Timewalking dungeon on weekly event (2 dung x lvl from 70 to 80)
Would be useful if you shared your reasons for leaving. Then we can say if those issues are still present in the game.
Well the main reason was changes in real life job and lack of time to log so i didn’t want to keep a sub when I play like once a week.
Other than that I really enjoyed my time on DF
Well, pvp and pve has a lot of tool to do the basics modes since they crossed realsm/factions. Mythic raiding requeries a huge amount of time, so it’s up to your goals. I’m leveling my alts with Timewalking Dungeons and i’m going to gear them with Undermined patch
it’s absolutely not worth coming back right now. check in once you see how the upcoming patch is treating people or possibly even wait until next Xpack. if you come back now you are gonna develop even more distaste for this game.
Even if you play the game as being 2 jobs, there’s still plenty of stuff to do. The game simply has tens of thousands of hours of play content.
If you’re a fan of mythic plus wait, it’s possibly the worst season they’ve ever done. The raid was cool but queen was a dumb fight imo. I just hope season 2 is better because it can’t be worse
Hush now, don’t challenge them. It can always get worse.