Is it worth start in sOD

So I play retail and I was wondering if it’s worth starting SoD so late?

Does it have a future and worth investing in?

The future is unknown but i think starting now would still be OK. BWL/ZG patch coming in 2 weeks, then AQ and naxx also coming.
I would guess it is minimum 6 months of good content coming and then they let slowly die the season until they bring up the real classic+

Is any video game worth investing in? It is all wasted time in the end. But:
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Worth mentioning is that some classes are more popular to get a raid spot. Any healer is almost guaranteed raid spot.
And if you like playing dps then shadow priest and warlock is almost 100% raid guarantee.
Melee shaman and warrior is almost 0% raid chance.

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We don’t know if they plan to continue it or toss it in the bin after naxx like they did with SoM

Most likely they’ll toss it in the bin. The 1 PVP and 1 PVE megaservers are preparation for the permanent realms characters can remain on. But no one would play there because the hype would have gone.