Is MM viable in 1v1 situations in PvP?

Warrs have more chances of survability than hunters, or at least MM.
MM survability is ludicrously low. Exhilaration heals for nothing, and even less if u have healing reduction effects on you - Invi is your friend, but some players can prevent it if they know how to

as a marksman you dont want to aim for a pure 1 v 1 you want to snipe and help from distance

Well, of course. But you’ll find youself in many 1v1 situations, both in arena, bgs and world pvp when trying to do the quests.

It like you don’t even have a fighting chance due to everybody having so much heal/survability and you only having a 30% heal every 2 min

i would not play 2v2 as a mm but in a 1 v 1 you definetly want to make sure to use turtle in the right moment to maybe waste the enemys cds

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i reader bea suv hunter then MM :stuck_out_tongue:

Legion MM was good skill wise as it had high skill ceiling but it was also an abomination.

Game should not decide when my burst window comes, I should myself, especially if you are low on mobility during said burst window

Thats why we had artifact ability.
and ?bursting shot? proc on first attack to set vulnerabilty.

Yes we did, but it wasn’t 100% controlled.

just imagon if aimed shot was castable while moveing hunter whould be 100X better then current state

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It really is a great word.

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