Is Multiboxing Gathering against ToS?

I play on Azjol-Nerub and everytime I go to Nazjatar there always is this multiboxer with a bunch of druids sweeping the entirety of the map of all the herbs and rocks. As I am an Alchemist and Herbalist, especially on this new patch when I need to gather a lot of Zin’anthid, it is infuriating how this guy disrupts my gameplay.

I whispered him multiple times, reporting his characters every time I see him and even made a ticket that might be answered in a week due to long waiting response time. I don’t have many hopes of Blizzard taking action against his accounts.

I am already very familiar with the fact that Blizzard doesn’t consider multiboxing as an unintented way to play the game that is highly abusable not only in PvP. As gatherable resources are limited and not soulbound, you can understand how this individual is making a ton of gold just because he choses to spend a lot of cash on the subscriptions of all of his accounts.

If this isn’t gold farming and gameplay disrupting then I don’t know what to say. You have to understand that a node is limited to how many times it can be gathered by all players on that layer, so if you are too late he can take all stacks from it.

There are zones of Nazjatar that almost never have Zin’anthid because he is taking all 24/7. So what are my chances of getting Blizzard to understand they should not allow this to happen? Or are they simply going to keep giving more love to the guy that pays for more monthly subs?


They aren’t breaking any rules.

I am a 3 boxer myself and I agree it’s a pain in the rear… either up the node tags or reduce amount of characters that can be played at once I think 5 is more than enough.


Sadly no, they’re not breaking the rules. Blizzard condones these scumbags, and it’s surprising they don’t even encourage them; after all, a multiboxer is a better customer, they pay 2-5 times as much as a regular player.


Aye it’s legal as the folks above pointed out.

I mean, I get it but the nature of gathering has always been fairly competitive, it doesn’t have to be a multiboxer to be infuriating or disrupt you, they have an experience to consider too.
The game has progressively been awarding players who spend more money, tokens, mount collectors, pet collectors, unique transmogs, level boosts and more.
I don’t like pay-2-win like models particularly but I like multiboxing, it’s unique to only a few games and I imagine for some it’s the only way they enjoy the game, it is a unique way to play surely.

Is it overpowered? yea in many aspects but it’s open to anybody, you can multibox too even.

Honestly if they become too problematic then you may be able to change your cross realm zone with some assistance or even warmode (I can appreciate why you would not wanna WM if farming however).


How exactly does it mess up your gameplay? Nodes don’t dissapear anymore when someone else gathers them before you?

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If Blizzard would at least link the Auction Houses of the region so i, as a player on a small low-pop realm, could benefit from reasonable AH prices created by those boxers…but no, i get the worst of both worlds: My AH sucks and my zones are filled with boxers from high-pop realms.

One could come to the conclusion that Blizzard is somehow not acting on this to entice me into buying a realm-transfer. But who would think of such devilry?


If the multiboxer is running enough characters then they do. And with regard to Anna’s comment, dominating the herbing and mining scene can easily make you enough money fast for it to be effectively free, profitable even.


I’ve had multiboxers ruining farming areas every-single-time I login to farm a mount.

I swear that multiboxer doesnt sleep. I’ve tried for weeks. I took it to a GM and they said “They are from a different realm so I cant deal with that player, they have the right to do it.”

I gave up.

I often think world mounts are specifically for multiboxers for them to whale on to afford their subs to sell en masse on AH, while solo players get shafted if that mulltiboxer is 24/7 in their realm.

That is the only thing im salty about multiboxers, but i generally dont mind if they are doing their own thing.


I’m doomed, whenever I start herbing I end up behind a clutch of druid birds flying around depleting all the nodes :smile:


I didn’t know nodes had limited tags. I thought they merely have a timer after first gather.

Apart from that, considering how rampant botting is and how people who multibox put personal gains over an immersive and fair game experience so to speak, there’s always the suspicion that a multiboxer might also be a botter. Gotta keep a close eye on those movement patterns.


A herb node can be tapped by 10 players before it despawns, so thats why it vanishes if a 10 boxer picks it. Mining ore can be tapped by 5 players. Just keep on reporting the player if you feel he is cheating. The gms WILL quickly investigate. Im multiboxing myself and they have maany ways of testing if a player is botting or not.

If they wish to keep investigating the bot awhile, to figure out how it works, it will continue to be there playing. If not, and foul play is suspected, it will be pretty swiftly temp banned / banned.

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See the same flock of druid birds gathering in Nazj 24/7.


You could have done a forum search and looked at the replies on the numerous other threads that have asked this same question, rather than make yet another thread about it.


Multiboxing has always been condoned by Blizzard because they pay more money. It is how it is. Stating anything against multiboxers is often met with insults and similar, as well. There’s just people keen on defending these “players”.

The fact that this multiboxing DK who’s currently camping the quest NPCs in Vale is actively ruining other players game experience is met with disregard.

All you can do is ruin their setup by using displacement spells on a few of them, so they have a fraction of the inconvenience they cause other players. And well, if they’re not using their “multiboxing skills” to murder guards (who are way too pathetic this expansion, especially those in Mechagon, Uldum or Vale, btw.) and players alike, but rather use them for gathering during WM off, well. Just shrug it off and try your best to get on another shard. There’s no point in getting frustrated, Blizzard loves people who pay them more money.


I’m pretty sure that an abuse of game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage is against the rules

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multiboxers, the good ones anyway, don’t pay real money for their accounts. They fund their subs with gold farming lol. I think so many people took advantage of the cheap wow tokens when they first came out, not to mention the amount of gold people accumulated in wod garrisons, some missions made you about 1000 gold it was insane. imagine doing that on multiple characters

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if they have pvp on, create a multibox killer raid, im sure people will jump at the chance to destroy them.


According to the official statements, it’s similar to people grouping up, thus it’s not an abuse of game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage. That’s the same point that most people who are defending multiboxers usually say as well. “It’s not an advantage, but a disadvantage, 20 real players would beat a player multiboxing 20 accounts” or something along the lines.

A fair amount of people who play the game regularly would consider multiboxing cheating or something along those lines, but Blizzard, and thus WoWs ruleset, does not.

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by this logic, extorting a shop and taxing a shop are similar enough that neither should be a problem…

The reason that it is not “similar to grouping” is that all of the characters involved are a single entity and therefore not actually a group, they are all directly funding a single person, 8 seperate people would be funding 8 seperate people and therefore there would be no benefit to them grouping up to farm herbs etc.

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I can imagine the old blizzard devs seeing multiboxers in the game for the first time and saying to themselves, wow this guy is spamming 7 arcane explosions at once and one shotting people! “Well, he’s paying for multiple subs, as long as that’s more money in my pocket we’ll let him do what he wants” and since then they never changed the rules about boxers

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