Is MW usable in PvE? Or FW is the best?

I do only pvp mostly, and I hate, really really hate the FW style.

If ppl doesnt invite MW monks, only FW monks, I wont start the gearing for MW in pve.

My opinion is the Tank do tanking, DPS do dpsing, and heals do healing not dealing Dmg on random things.


MW is a healing bot that doesn’t bring any damage and mediocre utility/CC

If it’s viable in PvP it means it is overtuned on healing/mana


Couldnt agree more, if i go mw its cause i wanna heal not do dmg, if i wanna do that i can just stay in ww :+1:t2:


Caster MW is viable 4 sure, great healing, but u dont bring DPS like all the other healers do, thats why u wont be able to push to the top.

But do you really wanna ? Just heal and have fun with your MW Monk :slight_smile: . Esp in PvP its the only choice u can really play in shuffle and Rated BG Blitz anyways, cause otherwise u get CCed like hell in meelerange.


You’re right :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your answers guys

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