Is needing an item for no reason legit?

Simple question:
If kicking someone out of a dungeon for no reason is OK and does not interfere with the rules, is needing an item for no reason (e.g., ninja-looting) also OK?

What i am specifically asking: Can I get legit ban for needing an item in RDF or even literally ninja-looting an item in pug raid?

You can get reported for ninja looting if rules has been stated. Your item will then be removed but you will not be banned. But I could imagine you could if you continued doing so multiple times.

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there is no ninja looting in need before greed system .

im needing on literaly everything on last bosses since i need shards from disenchanting :slight_smile:

What the… ?

Disregard this … lady.

No, the item you will ninja, will not be removed from you, especially the ones from Dungeons. Maybe in raids, but that’s a very different approach because you can’t ninja in raids except if the party leader have the …roll system in place for every item, which is pathetic if it is.

Also you can never be banned in-game for ninja looting. Never. Blizzard will not ban you for rolling on items even if you need them … or not ( aka ninja ).

Pretty much it. He’s actually Needing on last boss so he can’t get removed from group :))

But … he’s right.

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It seems that the community don’t care about loot rules or even ethics anymore. People need at what they want, whenever they want.

I do my part and initiate votekick every single time someone needs something that is not an upgrade, suboptimal for their class/spec or is straight up not usable by them. Luckily most go through and the ninja gets the boot. But that is as far as you can go on an individual level. Otherwise it’s the wild west and you will just have to pray for luck to be on your side.

As for last boss ninjas. Not much to do about them other than looking up other optional loot for that slot that’s more accessible.

To my knowledge, you can trade loot in dungeons again. So what you actually can do though is wait for everyone to press need/greed/pass, then if someone is clearly trying to snatch something, you can need yourself. And if you win, give it to the most suitable person that actually needs it instead of it being handed to a griefer.


…what do you mean again? It was possible before. Yes, in HC only , same as in Cataclysm.

You can’t trade items in Normal Dungeons.

I read about some bug on beta that made the loot untradeable back in march or so. Didn’t play it myself though. But to my knowledge it should work on live servers, haven’t tried myself.


You don’t even play the game, but you are so vocal and defender of the x-pac around here that one wouldn’t think you are already BiS …and know everything :man_facepalming:

I play the game daily, which is quite obvious if you read my posts.

I’m just saying that it used to be bugged, but that it now should work. But as I haven’t tried trading dungeon loot myself yet, I can’t guarantee it. You should never make claims you are not certain about.

Well its totally legit. Even there re loot rules stated but leader made it need/greed loot yes you can need any item. And u will not face any penalties for it. But as i remember when i start @ TBC there were peopel who has manners. I miss that old days.

In Blizzards eyes.
If the “Need” button lights up when you’re in a dungeon you queued from the dungeon finder, theres nothing that stops you.
You can be an Arms warrior and if a healing trinket would be able to be needed on, go ahead.

However in a manually created group for other content, like Raids or whatever, the raid leaders loot rules goes. Which should be stated before the activity begins.

Using dungeonfinder: Need/Greed on whatever item it allows you to.
Group content outsid dungeonfinder: Raid leaders rules goes.

Edit: Do keep in mind that if you do “ninja” you will most likely be swiftly kicked from the dungeon finder group.

Pretty much. And when you try to talk this through as tank who lost roll on defensive item to DPS, they keep complaining that for that time you argue with them, they could have cleared the path up to the next boss.
Even being upset on you for “wasting their time” as if my time was not wasted when I run dungeon only loose roll on tank item to someone who participated as DPS.

I’m not the best WoW player ever, but I’m at least trying to perform my role the best I can, thus I pay attention to keep aggro and use defensive and support cd’s when necessary, position myself and the boss according the the encounter mechanics, and while I appreciate the other roles, knowing that I can’t clear the dungeon alone, I feel like great deal of players does not appreciate the tank role.
Acting like tank is obliged to carry them through the dungeon “without entitlement to remuneration”, because that’s “performing the role”.


Sometimes I also genuinely think people don’t know what’s good for them.

I’ve seen mages wearing spirit gear and healing trinkets, death knights wearing agility gear, hunters wearing expertise, etc etc. I’ve lost Left Eye of Rajh to hunters twice on my rogue alt, which is just nuts. I bet you he didn’t even reforge the expertise either, which is totally useless to him. To quote a post from 2011 by some random Wowhead user:

“To all hunters: Expertise. Does. Nothing. For. You. Show some god damn common sense , look in your character tab, and look up expertise. ^&*!@#$. “wel i cna reforge so it is god trink fro hutner.” Reforging, you say? congratulations on a trinket carrying 40% of a semi-useful stat.”

It’s like these players are actively rejecting any sort of information or knowledge of the game they’re playing.


To be fair, theres some melee it’s a dead stat for aswell.
Like Unholy DK. Prob even blood dk to.
Frost idk.

Theres nothing lost when they dodge/parry.

But we still take Heart of Rage as our bis trinket with expertise on.
However expertise does something for Dk, while as said nothing for hunter at all.
It’s just that we do not care about getting that stat.

maybe dps needed it for:

  1. tank os
  2. disenchant shard
  3. gold from selling it.

at the end of day - you lost the roll - try again

or play with 4 guildies then they can pass it for you.

40 % is still 40 %.

and you still have the proc to utilize

stop caring so much what other peopel do with their won loot.

No, you can’t be banned for needing on items, anyone saying that you can is just fear mongering and has no idea how things actually work.

You could be needing on everything to get disenchanting materials, for transmog, for off spec use, or literally just to vendor it for gold.

Simply put, you will NEVER get banned by blizzard or have an item removed because you “ninja” looted something. Not even in raids, let alone in dungeons.

No, the raid leader’s loot rules do NOT go. It is the raid leader’s responsibility to use the master looting feature and distribute loot however it was agreed.

If the raid group is set to group loot, then you can absolutely need on everything simply because you want to.

Even with master loot, the raid leader could technically take ANY item for himself and it wouldn’t be a problem in blizzard’s eyes. It’s just that he might end up on some realm discord blacklist list or whatever for “ninja” looting.

No, if stated loot rules are broken you can report.
People have been banned & items revoked/removed.


The only way that can happen is in custom raidings so to speak. And even then , is highly debatable.

Items revoked, maybe. People banned? Please source. Thanks!